Archive for June, 2009



Loremaster is the suckiest title to get.  Kalimdor took me ages to finish off, simply because quests were so hard to find.  I did however get to having 10 quests left and after 2 hours travelling half way round Azeroth I finally got it!!

I am now sitting at 12 titles I think…Shame I cant wear them all at once 😀

Next Title is Crusader..I have been pretty slack on the Tournie dailies so I figure a new title is all good.

Defense rating

Each point of +Defense skill adds 0.04% to the chance to be Missed, to Block, to Dodge and to Parry.

This means +25 Defense will grant you an extra 1% Miss, Parry, Dodge, and Block. The formula is constant across all classes.

  • Critical Hit immunity for a level 80 player against a raid boss occurs at 540 Defense and requires a defense skill of 140 (689 +def rating) from gear to achieve. The defense minimum for heroic dungeons is 535 Defense.
  • Critical Hit immunity for a level 80 player against a raid boss can also be achieved by a Resilience of 5.6% and requires a resilience rating of 459.2 to achieve.

Hit rating

Ok, my hit breakdown in english 😀  well my english anyway:

So based on the fact we don’t have an Oomkin all the time – i need my hit to be at (for my fire spec) 420 for most raids and  341 for some...LOL…great fun that will be 😀

Arcane spec – 263 hit rating for most raids.

Hit cap is 446  without any buffs or talents

Draenai buff = 1% or 26 points (approx)

SP or Oomkin buff = 3% or 79 points (approx)

Arcane Mage with Arcane Focus and Precision – 289 hit rating. Faerie Fire or Misery – 210 hit rating. Draenei AND SP or OOmkin – 184 hit rating.

Frost or Frostfire Mage with Precision, – 368 hit rating. Faerie Fire or Misery – 289 hit rating. Draenei AND SP or OOmkin – 263 hit rating.

Fire Mage / Torment the Weak  – 446 hit rating. Faerie Fire or Misery – 368 hit rating. Draenei AND SP or OOmkin – 341 hit rating.

New Guild

New guild has been created and moved across to a new server.  Approx 10 of my guildies decided to follow me to the new server, so we are just going to focus on 10 man content, as that was my intention with my moving to a new server.

It is nice to have my closest friends with me, we are hoping to have some fun again and just be happy killing content, without too many screw ups and missing people etc.

We start raiding shortly, and have  a new website up and functioning so at least we can keep in contact with each other 😀 

I am excited.