Tag Archive: boss kill

Dirty Dirty Kingslayers

Last night was raid night, second for me and first for hubby.  We went into ICC 25 man, did professor putricide on hard mode, and yep, it’s bloody hard, however we got him to approx 43% so it was almost there, we ended up just doing him in normal mode.  Hubby was doing some decent DPS for someone with apparently such bad gear, I just sucked – I could not get it happening last night. Was one of those nights that nothing I was doing was working.  I was always in the wrong spot and having to move etc, so I was basically sitting on like 5k dps most of the night, I mean it went up – I saw myself hitting 10k at one point, was just deflating.

But hey I am getting higher DPS than I ever did, so it is good.  They are an oddball bunch of people to be honest, but so far they have been nice to the newbies, vicious on vents occasionally and a bit of a laugh, all in all what I expected from a guild knocking off progression like this.

Anyway I was pushing through the pain, was not going to let that get me down, and we went and killed Arthas 😀  yup, I saw him die!!  I feel dirty however that I wasn’t with my old guild to do it.  I wish there was some way I could transplant the kill into their heads for them to understand it isn’t hard once you can see it in action…

So I am now Kingslayer!!

I think ICC is fast becoming one of my favourite instances, I enjoy a fair few of the fights in there and killing Arthas does feel very epic 🙂

That is not what I expected :)

So, to cut a long story short,  I got into a raiding guild on Caelestrasz….back to the fail server, but with a guild that has me as nervous as a school girl behind the bleachers….do they even have bleachers anymore?..more to the point do school girls even get nervous anymore ?? Especially since they are out there having babies at 10 and 11, they are barely school girls…

Anyway I digress.  So i moved my mage last night and whispered an officer, the last time I even dreamt of whisping anyone in this guild I was probably actually dreaming… Continue reading

Sindragosa killed

I missed the raid last night due to some personal stuff going on, however I note that the guild got her down last night on their second attempt.

Enough people obviously were paying attention and not getting drawn into the pretty lights on their bars to make sure they moved.

They went and played on the LK as well and go him to 68% apparently, so not too shabby for a few attempts on the big baddy.

I am so happy and annoyed at the same time 😀 I am happy for us that we are not 11/12 in ICC and sooooo pissed I missed it….ARGGGH!!! Typical farking guild, they always kill bosses when I am not in the raid….it’s like they do it to spite me I swear!!! eheheheh

There will always be next week 🙂 maybe…..

Grats!! Pretty exciting to be almost at the end – then perhaps we can do some heroic modes etc…but have to kill sindy and the LK a couple more times I reckon 😀

My first video :D

This is my first attempt at video for my guild recent Blood Queen kill 🙂

Yes I did say first attempt, so be gentle with me 🙂  I am sure I will improve with more practice!

Tonight was a great run.

We went into ICC and cleared 9 bosses in one night…all one shot – except for princes, we are not sure what happened, but the hunter tank dropped before you could blink, we think it may have been a flaming ball of death!

It was a very good run, most of the gear was taken as offset for people which is a great sign we may finally be hitting the upper ends of gear in 10 man ICC.  That, and the same pieces are always dropping and therefore not actually being taken.

I equipped my wand from Blood Queen (last week, I forgot to put it on) and I also got my exalted ring, which I need to whack a gem into…might go haste I think!

We are going back in to do the Queen again and then get Sindragosa down, yes she will go down this week – if not tomorrow.

Tonight, however a serious of events set me off mentally, that by the end of the raid, I was fucking angry, so much so, I barely spoke on vents and as soon as the raid was called I jumped off vents and offline with not a word.  Had I not done this I am pretty sure when I had opened my mouth to say goodbye I would have said something very regrettable.

As it is I am likely to want to make snarky comments to the guild about a few things for the next couple of weeks and am just going to have to curb that want.

To be honest I am not entirely sure why I got so annoyed, but I think it has something to do with people not wanting to try anything out of the realms of normality.  If it hasn’t been done before, we can pretty much rest assured that like fuck anyone in my guild will want to try it.  God forbid we do something DIFFERENT – never mind that I have attempted this exact thing previously and it served its purpose nicely, in the end we never needed to actually implement it officially, due to changes in roster.

I think after re-reading that paragraph, what annoys me is that it shifts from what the guild needs or things that may make the guild improve, to what is not beneficial for the individual. 

I want nothing more than to run as frost,  but from a DPS perspective, they are pretty bad in a raiding environment,  so I stick to arcane and may even try fire as my hit is so over the top now as to pull it off.   That’s beside the point,  what I think about is the guild, and if the idea will help the guild surely some support from someone to even attempt it would be better than flat out refusal and mockery?  I am sure (let’s try and think positive hey) that my guildies were not deliberating trying to make me feel awful and like a fucking idiot for suggesting we TRY something 🙂  I am sure.

Anyway it doesn’t matter,  I told all the people having a go to just forget about it, we would just do whatever was easiest for people to deal with.  Some times you just have to shut up, smile and nod your head. 

The other things that got on my goat will have to be addressed in some form in the next couple of weeks, but for the minute I can’t be bothered even thinking about it, just gets me worked up again and I would rather not if I am going to raid tonight.

Enough of that, I am over it now….nice to vent sometimes – just get things off my chest and hence why I blog really 🙂

Blood Queen killed

It’s amazing what can happen with a little focus and effort 🙂  We had never seen blood queen before, but I was adamant on the train home tonight, that we could kill her tonight.

And so we did!

Our first attempt we got her to 20% – sheer lukc I think, then we just kept dying at about the 50% mark, just silly things really, lack of communication etc….we had one attempt where she was at 1% – SO of COURSE we decided to go again….and we got her…..was a little messy, but in all honesty I think that is a messy fight by nature that people get Mind controlled etc.

But my guys did realy well, they all listened they paid attention, they suggested things quickly and briefly and we spanked her!

Wednesday we shoudl be able to clear the usuals suspetcs then perhaps spend Thursday getting Sidnragosa down, as I honestly believe we are pretty darn close to getting her done….

We are 10/12 of ICC ! I am excited!  I may see the lich king dead in a couple of weeks!

More firsts for my magey :D

Last night in ICC I got to see Dreamwalker, Professor and blood princes all killed for the first time.

Aside from a little issues on Professor as one of our tanks learnt how to drive the Abom (we normally have a dps do it), it was a good night, was a little messy in some spots, but to be honest we have only recently managed to start actually killing the bosses and So far – Professor sucks the life out of me…he is the most HORRIBLE fight I have ever seen!!

I cannot really express how much I hate it.

I love the blood prices fight – that is one of my favourites i think.  Sindragosa is also shaping up to be a fav, we tried that a couple of times last night as well, and I got made into a tomb at one point – I was excited by that. When I was in the tomb I couldn’t scroll my camera out to watch everything else going on , it was like I was actually in the tomb….WAS SUPER!!  LOL  Yes ok stupid I know but I get little joys like that almost every time I raid 🙂

It was a mail drop night last night with most pieces being sharded 😦 but that is a good sign I guess.

All in all was a good night I think, with some real evidence that our current raiding team is the fucking shit. We may not spend all that much time actually raiding, but OMG we do a good job with the small time we do have.

Blood Princes !!! 9/12 now :D

Can you believe it!!  We are now 9/12 now!!

Only a couple more to go and We will be seeing the Lich King!!!

From the info I was given the guildies spent about 3 hours learning the fight and getting them to 4% on their last shot the other night, so they went back in and ONE SHOT THEM!!  They also 2 shot Professor only having killed him last week for the first time.

So in true fashion they always manage to repeat the kill once it has been done…just getting to that first one is sometimes painful.

I am so very proud of them and I am sad that I missed all the first kills!!  But at least they are doing it, that is the main thing.

Not sure they even need me now they are kicking butt!!  LOL  they may decide I am not good enough anymore!!  ROFLMAO!  (I Laugh because I know I will suck when i get back!)

Anyway!! GOOO GUILDIES!!!!!  Cheer Cheer cheer!!!

8/12 ICC – Putricide dead!

My guildies finally killed Professor putricide last night! YAY!! Can’t really explain how excited I am for them!

This is a very good thing – a major boost for their morale I would say! They were getting closer every week, just lacking some DPS in most cases, but they were getting consistent 15% last week, then the last few nights on him was 4%, then 3% then 2% and well you get the picture, close every time just no cheddar.

I would ask them for a blow by blow event description, but honestly they suck at describing it and I really want videos of these things! I might start getting them to video the damn things. I know I am going to video any boss fights from now on, once I get my new pc and all should be a cakewalk for it to handle the pressure 😀

I just really wish I was there, seeing new kills is all I live for, I really enjoy the fact that it takes a few shots to kill new bosses, it would be over too quickly if we walked in and walked out. The excitement builds every week as you get closer and closer to the kill 😀 (starting to sound like an orgasm doesn’t it?!?! LOL)

Anyway I am very proud of them, this has been a long hard road and hopefully will life out guild position a little bit and raise our profile somewhat for the 25 mans they are going to try and start running, it will be a very good boost to be able to say we are 8/12 in ICC 🙂

7/12 ICC

We got Dreamwalker down!!

Well up….

Either way, we are now 7/12 ICC and chugging along, it is taking us a little longer than expetced to get to it, but we are getting there. Professor is still a pain, but we are managing to get through the other bosses 😀

Apparently there was some trouble on rotface this week, but, they did get him in the end, people were just not paying attention and then like some weird freak show, the next attempt was a perfect execution….go figure 🙂

I haven’t been online at all this week, have to admit, housework is so much easier to get done when you are not a raiding addict 🙂 LOL Our house has never been so clean before….LOL