Tag Archive: gear

Since switching her alliance I have been trying to run some heroics on her, I just picked up my tier 9 chest piece and only 30 more badges to go and I can get the tier 9 helm to give me the 4 set bonus,  that MAY be enough to boost my gearscore enough to tank some ICC/TOC runs….

Once again I am feeling the pressure as a tank – I get so frustrated that people in heroics do not spend ANY time waiting for the tank anymore, I realise most people are over geared for the content, but some of us are learning our feet.  I hate it when I throw an aveger’s shield on mobs, then have not even laid consecrate and DPS are chowing on mob meat…I mean SERIOUSLY!!!!  Avenger’s shield is like a bullet, grabs their attention and doesn’t do much else – and certainly doesn’t help on mobs where they are twoo far apart to be hit.  Why is it such a hard thing to wait until the tank has at least HIT the fucking mob ebfore starting it.  I have always and will always wait for the tank to get off consecrate or thunderclap or DnD or SOMETHING AOEish before going hell bent – there are very few times when I will hit a mob before the tank has.

I can see why people hate tanking and I can see why so many people just refuse to do it anymore, indeed one of our guild MT’s is deciding to call it quits for the xpac – hence I may be taking over that tanking spot. It is so easy to see why.  I would hope that raiding is different, you can set the expectation of your raiders and PUG’s (maybe) so they give you three seconds alone time with the mobs…but wow…I have to work twice as hard as a tank….but I do enjoy it 😀

I have been, for the last few weeks/months not been ingame and raiding, therefore my stash of frostie badges has not grown fast nor have I had the chance to upgarde via drops all that much.

So I was in previously mentioned ICC 25 man and I got 2 things out of that run. Enough badges to be at 120 frosties AND a shoulder upgrade from 25 man content.

So this has placed me in a bad position, which I think I may have screwed even further last night.

I was going to buy my two tier peices with my badges – nice 60 badges each done, however, my gloves are actually comparable to the tier peices and my shoulders are now better than the tier piece. So the tier pieces would be a backward step in gear score….is the set bonus worth it.

After deciding no…(LOL) I then spent frosties on buying the patterns for the boots and leggings….I am now down to 75 frosties,….so not enough to buy any head or robes. However it isn’t enough to buy any saronites either….well I can buy two, but I now need like 13…AHAHAH I may have just been better getting the tier pieces!!! HAAHAHH

Anyway, I found it an interesting exercise in how to screw your gear choices royally.

That’s right, my belt is also comparable to the belts I can buy with the 60 frosties. i suppose I could buy the caster trinket, but I relaly don’t want to waste badges on a hit trinket when I already have too much hit…and what a waste of badges anyway…having to gear for hit nowadays….

So pitfall of raiding 10 man and pugging 25 mans and NOT winning tier pieces 😀 eheheh