Category: Talents

The Lich king….again

I have a feeling this is going to be a semi constant post πŸ˜€

We had an interesting night on him tongiht, we have got phase 1 down – and the transition into phase 2 working quite well, we actually even managed phase 2 better than our previous attempts. We were gettingt he first raging spirit down and the second one was just a little slow, however the third one was not dying until after the second Valk almost.

I think people are too far spread out so when defile hits too many are getting caught in it, I also am wondering if the person who gets targetted orginally just keeps running around the other side of the platform from us if that would help them avoid being in it, but i didn’t manage to cop a defile last night at all to test my theory. We were doing rhe valk with 50% success, some we managed to get other we lost, on one Valk there was a defile patch between us and her….

Too many people are getting done by blue balls πŸ™‚ We are losing people over the edge all the time. Also a couple of attempts when the raging spirit I created turned around and one shotted me, that was pleasant. Then there was the other attempt with the raging spirit did his cone of death and killed me and another clothie, apparently standing to the side only works when the mob is still facing the side πŸ™‚ heeh

Was funny as hell though, we lost our tank at one point and we couldnt figure out why he was so hard to keep up…yep, helps if you repair your gear so the durability is above 0%!!!!!! LOL….Someone was a little keen πŸ˜€

All in all, we had a mixed night, we did really wel on some attempts and really badly on others. We are getting the hang of it, but only raiding 2 hours doesn’t really get you the chance to push it…but I think we may have the second phase worked out very soon, just a little more control instead of insanity and we should be good πŸ™‚

On a side note, I know it isn’t the best fight to test it, but I was hitting about 7.5k DPS, which is not huge I admit, but for someone in a mix of 10/25 man gear I reckon it isn’t too shabby πŸ˜€ I am sure if I was in a 25 man raid that would go up with the extra buffs, however I am impressed that i am doing that much DPS πŸ˜€ Considering I have put in some real effort to get my toon improved, I think it is really showing now πŸ™‚

I am very tempted to try fire considering that is apparently giving arcane a run for its money now….and I love fire πŸ˜€ I wanna get my DPS up and will keep reading up and finding out what I can do. I

think having changing my specs slightly for the shielding bonus etc will help, I need to get into the habit of reapplying my shields though as most fights with aoe damage will give me a buff of course I have to balance that out with losing mana due to said shield!

Yes I switched her, I will likely move my warrior horde side and make her my first ever male character, although I am not entirely sure about that yet πŸ™‚Β Β  I might finish my hunter that is sitting on a US time server though – not sure yet πŸ˜€

Anyway – here is the new girl, yes I went spacegoat again πŸ™‚ I like the tails ok!!?!?!

She is fully Prot now, and I am working on her tier 9 gear so I can start pugging the ICC stuff, I have 2 more of the badge pieces to try and get and to be honest if we have an alt run through ICC any time soon for the first four bosses I may see if I can snaffle her a shot πŸ˜€

I was tanking some normal runs yesterday – non heroic – to try and get back into the swing of it, made a few mistakes etc, but no one was taking aggro off me and a few of them were trying their damn hardest.Β  I really feel sorry for actual tanks (which may be me at Cata).Β  People just don’t get it πŸ˜€

It was fun to be on her again, I really enjoy tanking I have to admit.Β  I like it on my warrior as well, I just think AOE tanking is such less a hassle on the pally πŸ˜€ But I am pretty good with my warrior as well I think.Β  A little more practice and I may be good at it !!Β  LOL

<3 Warriors :D

So I got my warrior to 535 defense and a few of the guilds tanks were helping me get gear etc, one pally in particular made me a fair few pieces of gear, which I cannot thank him enough for. That gear got me to 535, so I went and ran Halls of Lightening….no, not heroic!! LOL but for my first ever real tanking experience I would say it was pretty fucking awesome! I was loving it!

I let a couple of mobs loose accidentally, which I got back as quickly as I could, I only wiped us once as I pulled too many mobs and the whirlwind killed us πŸ˜€ The trinket I was after off Loken dropped, so my defence is no at 544, so I can start running heroics…probably not hard ones, but the easier ones I should be fine for..and if I stay within the guild a little I should be ok πŸ˜€

We also went to ToC – normal with me on my warrior to get some gear, and one ring dropped…everything else was not any good for me. It was a funny run, we wiped 4 times on NRB, just bad bad luck apparently and people thinking they were out of the fire when they weren’t etc…it was just funny, then on Lord Jaxx, OMG how much a tard am I….I thought I had time to run to the other side of the boss before it started, but no…he chased me, killed me in 3 shots…I am glad it wasn’t a one shot – I have some dignity…but the MT couldn’t stop laughing as he was wondering why the boss was running away and I was pissing myself at being such a retard…basically it was a bit of a laugh fest πŸ™‚ I felt like such a retard!!! But I just couldn’t stop laughing.

We managed to finish it though πŸ˜€ I also did the weekly raid on my warrior today as well πŸ˜€ I didn’t tank just attempted to DPS. I finally have some money again so will be paying for a DPS spec on her some time this week so I can do a little of both. I basically just want to run heroics with her as much as possible to get some badges for my tier 9 gear πŸ™‚

All in all a very very awesome day! Am very very proud of my tanking abilities πŸ˜€


I tried to go arcane for last nights raid, and I have to say I really don’t like it as a spec. I much prefer my fire spec, I really can’t help but enjoy the 15k hits with spells.

FFB is just my spec – it suits my gameplay and I like that πŸ˜€

GOt some new gear as well recently, new wrists and new dagger, so am sitting on 2400 spell damage when half buffed πŸ™‚

Ulduar and gear:D

So last night in Ulduar, we did really well.Β Β  We one shot Auri and her mental pussy cats with one healer and DPS down from the start of the fight, we almost one shot Hodir (we had a false start) and we had a false start on the Iron Council, but that was due to some miscommunication more than anything πŸ™‚Β  Aside from that though, we didn’t lose anyone on the fights, we did them perfectly.

We trundled up to Thorim after the 9.00pm break and had a few smashes on him, the gauntlet group got to the second mini boss before death ensued, which for our first time on him, was pretty good I think.Β  Thorim will not be all that hard once we get the hang of it and sort out the groups properly πŸ™‚Β 

I scored a new helm from Hodir(?) and a new wrist from Iron Council, I have to get them gemmed and chnated tonight.

I think I have to change back to FFB, as my hit is just not high enough to support a TOTW/Fire spec, so my DPS is kind of shitful at the moment, even after regemming everything last night to the epic gems with +23 spell power, I wasn’t hitting 3k DPS.Β  So I will do thast tonight and keep collecting my hit gear for the totw spec. Apprently FFB is still competitve for DPS, so I might just go back to that spec and deal with the slightly lower DPS, but much improved on what I am now.Β  If that makes sense.Β  I can basically drop a fair bit of hit if I go back to FFB and amp it up with crit/spell power.

We decided not to raid lockout this week, simply because on Wednesday we figure we can clear almost everything we cleared this week, last Wednesday was bad due to patches and changed fights etc, so this week should be a smash fest after the maintenance.

Hit rating

Ok, my hit breakdown in english πŸ˜€ Β well my english anyway:

So based on the fact we don’t have an Oomkin all the time – i need my hit to be at (for my fire spec) 420 for most raids and Β 341 for some...LOL…great fun that will be πŸ˜€

Arcane spec – 263 hit rating for most raids.

Hit cap is 446 Β without any buffs or talents

Draenai buff = 1% or 26 points (approx)

SP or Oomkin buff = 3% or 79 points (approx)

Arcane Mage with Arcane Focus and Precision – 289 hit rating. Faerie Fire or Misery – 210 hit rating. Draenei AND SP or OOmkin – 184 hit rating.

Frost or Frostfire Mage with Precision, – 368 hit rating. Faerie Fire or Misery –Β 289 hit rating. Draenei AND SP or OOmkin –Β 263 hit rating.

Fire Mage / Torment the Weak Β – 446 hit rating. Faerie Fire or Misery –Β 368 hit rating. Draenei AND SP or OOmkin –Β 341 hit rating.