Category: Stats

I love this post 🙂 had to link it!!

Gear Score – LOL


After spending a few hundred dollars and regemming some of my gear – I am now sitting pretty on 3008 Spell damage!!!  When i self buff with Arc Int it goes up to 3018 😀  That does not include potions/food, raid buffs!!!

AM SOOOO EXCITED!!?!?!?!!?!?

Will be cool to see if it makes any difference to my raiding.  I also ditched thwe Maghari’s Staff for the Frost needle with Scourgelord’s Baton, so that bumped up my stats huge amounts.  The only problem is I am now sitting on 462 hit rating!!  So I am going to make very sure the next piece of gear I take does not have hit on it…I may just scream to be honest!!

I have been, for the last few weeks/months not been ingame and raiding, therefore my stash of frostie badges has not grown fast nor have I had the chance to upgarde via drops all that much.

So I was in previously mentioned ICC 25 man and I got 2 things out of that run. Enough badges to be at 120 frosties AND a shoulder upgrade from 25 man content.

So this has placed me in a bad position, which I think I may have screwed even further last night.

I was going to buy my two tier peices with my badges – nice 60 badges each done, however, my gloves are actually comparable to the tier peices and my shoulders are now better than the tier piece. So the tier pieces would be a backward step in gear score….is the set bonus worth it.

After deciding no…(LOL) I then spent frosties on buying the patterns for the boots and leggings….I am now down to 75 frosties,….so not enough to buy any head or robes. However it isn’t enough to buy any saronites either….well I can buy two, but I now need like 13…AHAHAH I may have just been better getting the tier pieces!!! HAAHAHH

Anyway, I found it an interesting exercise in how to screw your gear choices royally.

That’s right, my belt is also comparable to the belts I can buy with the 60 frosties. i suppose I could buy the caster trinket, but I relaly don’t want to waste badges on a hit trinket when I already have too much hit…and what a waste of badges anyway…having to gear for hit nowadays….

So pitfall of raiding 10 man and pugging 25 mans and NOT winning tier pieces 😀 eheheh

warrior stuff again

shield slam > revenge > shockwave > conc blow > devastate.

There are several different hit caps.
The melee hit cap causes all your single weapon auto attacks to always hit and causes all special melee attacks to always hit. This is reached at 8%.
The spell hit cap causes all your spells to always hit. This is reached at 17%.
The dual wield hit cap causes all your dual wield auto attacks to always hit. This is reached at 27%

Hit is almost a pure threat stat, it causes your attacks to hit more, and thus it makes you do more threat. There should be a reasonable amount of hit available on tank gear, but you shouldn’t gem or enchant for it.
The only time you should ever worry about hit caps is if you need to taunt something. If you glyph taunt, and the boss is properly debuffed (Improved Faerie Fire – Spell – World of Warcraft or Misery – Spell – World of Warcraft), you need 6% additional spell hit chance to always hit with yout taunt. This is 158 hit rating.

Note that taunt is based off of spell hit, and that you get more spell hit chance from your rating then that you get melee hit chance.

Expertise governs two things. The chance a mob has to dodge you and the chance a boss has to parry you.
You negate the mobs chance to dodge you when you reach 6.5% dodge and parry reduction at 26 expertise skill.
You negate the mobs chance to parry you when you reach 14% dodge and parry reduction at 56 expertise skill.

A note on hit and expertise.
For both hit and expertise, the general thing to remember is this: “If you do enough threat, you don’t need more of them. It is important, though, to realize that having more of either of them will make your threat less spiky. While this effect is minor, having a string of misses at the beginning of a fight can cause someone to grab aggro.
My advice would be to not worry about getting to either cap, but not completely ignoring the stat either. Gemming or enchanting for hit or expertise shouldn’t be needed

<3 Warriors :D

So I got my warrior to 535 defense and a few of the guilds tanks were helping me get gear etc, one pally in particular made me a fair few pieces of gear, which I cannot thank him enough for. That gear got me to 535, so I went and ran Halls of Lightening….no, not heroic!! LOL but for my first ever real tanking experience I would say it was pretty fucking awesome! I was loving it!

I let a couple of mobs loose accidentally, which I got back as quickly as I could, I only wiped us once as I pulled too many mobs and the whirlwind killed us 😀 The trinket I was after off Loken dropped, so my defence is no at 544, so I can start running heroics…probably not hard ones, but the easier ones I should be fine for..and if I stay within the guild a little I should be ok 😀

We also went to ToC – normal with me on my warrior to get some gear, and one ring dropped…everything else was not any good for me. It was a funny run, we wiped 4 times on NRB, just bad bad luck apparently and people thinking they were out of the fire when they weren’t etc…it was just funny, then on Lord Jaxx, OMG how much a tard am I….I thought I had time to run to the other side of the boss before it started, but no…he chased me, killed me in 3 shots…I am glad it wasn’t a one shot – I have some dignity…but the MT couldn’t stop laughing as he was wondering why the boss was running away and I was pissing myself at being such a retard…basically it was a bit of a laugh fest 🙂 I felt like such a retard!!! But I just couldn’t stop laughing.

We managed to finish it though 😀 I also did the weekly raid on my warrior today as well 😀 I didn’t tank just attempted to DPS. I finally have some money again so will be paying for a DPS spec on her some time this week so I can do a little of both. I basically just want to run heroics with her as much as possible to get some badges for my tier 9 gear 🙂

All in all a very very awesome day! Am very very proud of my tanking abilities 😀

Ony 25 man and old skool.

Last night was a very interesting raid night for me.  In brief we went to Ony 25, Gruuls, Mags, Sunwell and then OS 10 with 3 drakes.

Ony 25 went well the second attempt, no one died and we got some achievements since I hadn’t done it in 25 man before 😀  So that is always nice 🙂 Have scored a fairfew achievements overall the last week, I am loving it!

We wiped the first time as the guild seems to have an overly excitable character – reminiscent of Tobio – who thinks that pulling whelps and dragging the boss on a false start is a funny way to play the game. Not so for most of us, who don’t enjoy that kind of play time.  We don’t get a lot of time to play so I find it annoying when I have to spend time running back for my corpse.  Anyway after the initial wipe because said person kept going to the caves and dragging more whelps even during the fight, no idea how we even got as far as we did to be honest.  As mentioned second attempt when raid leader went a little aggro at him was much better, nice and smooth.

We then went to Mags and gruuls for those who didn’t do it back in BC. Someone kept agrooing mags and false starting us, which was annoying as well, then someone pulled Gruul while only 5 or so people were in the room, they managed to kill him as well!!  Can’t believe both those fights used to be so hard and would wipe raids for weeks :/  Mags was dead before we even had to click the cubes…that’s how fast he died…..

We then trolled over to Sunwell for a looksie, was fun as, we bugged out Kalcegos due to someone being outside the circle, then we got Brutallis down and were playing on felmyst – she wiped us twice i think and I am not so sure we would have gotten her down, she was tough!  I want to go back to Sunwell !!  I was having so much fun!

A fair few had to leave at that point so when we got back to Dal we got a group happening fro OS 10 man with 3 drakes, we pugged a couple of people who left after each attempt, and we were getting her to 10% each time.

My new GM’s both brought in their mages and gave me crap about having such low DPS, one even commenting that my gear was better than what was being shown on the meters. So I decided to prove to them I sucked and I whipped out my arcane mage talents….and it backfired, I hit 5k DPS on the next attempt compared to the 3k I was barely doing as FFB.  So they both started whispering me tips, hints, rotations etc and I got completely overwhelmed. I have to fix my glyphs and change my gear fi I seriously want to give arcane a shot, but I have to admit I was almost beating one of our best hunters and that was feeling good….the other 2 mages were hitting 7k DPS and i want to do that kind of damage!!  So I guess I am going to have to look through my gear and see what i can change out for some other stuff.  I am also going to have to learn how to play  mage – ie what gear I need to go for, food etc.

So I will be researching today at lunch and then some when i get home!

I am slightly excited – all this in the week when I have been able to just sit back and enjoy the company!  I Love it! I may actually be able toplay my mage again like I used to and be proud of my knowledge.

I have an alt :D

MY pally is now 80!

Yes yes, I spent all weekend levelling her due to guild dramas and went from 76 to 80!

She is mostly in greens at the moment, but will change with a few runs and some rep. I am very excited to have an alt, shame it is on theother faction 😀  However pretty exciting to be able to do some end game stuff with hubby!


I tried to go arcane for last nights raid, and I have to say I really don’t like it as a spec. I much prefer my fire spec, I really can’t help but enjoy the 15k hits with spells.

FFB is just my spec – it suits my gameplay and I like that 😀

GOt some new gear as well recently, new wrists and new dagger, so am sitting on 2400 spell damage when half buffed 🙂

Ulduar and gear:D

So last night in Ulduar, we did really well.   We one shot Auri and her mental pussy cats with one healer and DPS down from the start of the fight, we almost one shot Hodir (we had a false start) and we had a false start on the Iron Council, but that was due to some miscommunication more than anything 🙂  Aside from that though, we didn’t lose anyone on the fights, we did them perfectly.

We trundled up to Thorim after the 9.00pm break and had a few smashes on him, the gauntlet group got to the second mini boss before death ensued, which for our first time on him, was pretty good I think.  Thorim will not be all that hard once we get the hang of it and sort out the groups properly 🙂 

I scored a new helm from Hodir(?) and a new wrist from Iron Council, I have to get them gemmed and chnated tonight.

I think I have to change back to FFB, as my hit is just not high enough to support a TOTW/Fire spec, so my DPS is kind of shitful at the moment, even after regemming everything last night to the epic gems with +23 spell power, I wasn’t hitting 3k DPS.  So I will do thast tonight and keep collecting my hit gear for the totw spec. Apprently FFB is still competitve for DPS, so I might just go back to that spec and deal with the slightly lower DPS, but much improved on what I am now.  If that makes sense.  I can basically drop a fair bit of hit if I go back to FFB and amp it up with crit/spell power.

We decided not to raid lockout this week, simply because on Wednesday we figure we can clear almost everything we cleared this week, last Wednesday was bad due to patches and changed fights etc, so this week should be a smash fest after the maintenance.

What a wow!!

SO last night after a week with no raids the guys were just superb 😀

After three weeks of constant wiping on Hodir – we got him on attempt number 2 – our second Hodir kill!!  Very exciting 🙂  We one shot everything else and then went and had a play on the Iron Council, we are so close on that front, except I think at the end of the night after such a high from Hodir, people were starting to fade and not be on the ball…so tonight should be promising 😀  I am wanting to go to Thorim after Iron Council now instead of Freya, as Thorim sounds doable whereas Freya just scares the crap out of me to be honest, she sounds like a hell of a lot of work and so much going on….ARGGGHHH…I am not entirely sure we have a group that will succeed, but I guess we can only succeed if we try right?

I banned the use of recount/WWS stats from the guild as well last week in an effort to promote killing bosses and NOT personal DPS….as I said in my post to the guild, it doesn’t matter if you do 16k DPS….if the boss is up or you are dead, it has basically accounted to zero DPS….I wonder if it just a coincidence that the next week we raid after that announcement we one shot everything and 2 shot Hodir?  perhaps it was just a coincidence, but I can’t help thinking perhaps people were watching what they were doing and not where they sat on any meters…..

I know we used to push for people to do a certain amount of DPS, but that was more the game requiring more…so we did push them to watch their output and improve it, but I think that has just made it worse for everyone involved.

So we shall see, if the next few weeks end up much the same as this week with good clean kills and better group movement, then perhaps it was the right decision. It was not a permanent ban, some people did get angry with me for banning them, most though have made no comment to me yet, so if everything falls to shit again once the ban is over it will be an interesting little experiment 😀