Tag Archive: recruitment

Let's play catch up

I have been just sooooo busy lately. Time to get a catch up on here!

So we finally cleared ToC as a guild!  YAY!  We got to Anub in on night and had a shot on him, we then spent the next night – all night – working on him.  Our third attempt we got him to like 6% and we were all excited about that, but then we proceeded to just fail because people didn’t do their job.

Anyway after much fucking about, we spanked him on our last attempt.  So was a good way to end the night!  Now we just have to work on farming the content. 

The twins were not so hard either, we 2 shot them once we figured out how to actually do the fight and changed our strat slightly.  But all in all a very easy fight if you ask me 😀 

So now to just get Ony and Ulduar down/on farm before patch 3.3. I don’t want to be going into Ulduar once the new content comes out…not that the guild knows that yet 😀  But I want to ensure we spend as much time on the new content as possible as I want to see the Lich King die!  heheeh

My pc is having more and more problems with WoW – this last week I have had to repair it at least 5 times due to wow errors, I also have such severe screen tearing I can barely see the boss 😀  But I am hoping to get a new PC early in the new year if all goes to plan!

We have recruited a couple of new people, but have also lost a couple to girlfriends/wives aggro. So that makes it difficult to manage.

We also had one of our best DPS switch to a healing class to help us, which is a learning curve for all of us as we have lost a high dps but have scored a healer/dps class.  Need to gear up, learn to play and most improtantly remember that until he is geared and skilled in the class he is not going to be cracking 5k DPS like he used to 🙂

But it has already proved to be a great idea as he has switched to healing/ele a couple of times when needed and been able to handle both circumstances. 

I am very lucky to have some of the people i have in thsis guild – they keep me sane when it all seems to be going down the toilet 😀

Will try to update more this week.


New recruits

We have 2 new players to the guild this week, a DK and a Fury warrior.

Teh DK has raiding experience in WOTLK which is good, and is roughly up to the same stuff as us.  Teh warrior has no raiding experience but has made an effort to at least read the fights etc so was pretty impressed with him last night when he managed to survive most of the time.

The warrior needs gear as does the DK, but not huge amounts, a couple of runs through ToC/Ulduar and ONy when we kill them shoudl probably get them some gear fairly quickly. Even last night they both picked up a peice each due to the plate drops. 

So all in all they seem to be fitting in and we seem to be doing ok. Just need to find a healer unless our druid decides to stay with us again since we are doing well at the moment.

Not sure about it and we shall see what happens in the next few weeks.