Tag Archive: Paladin

NEW Drake!!

Shame I can’t use it 🙂

Ran heroic Occ on my pally and guess what I got out of my bag, what was even funnier was get was hubby got in his bag as well!!

Yup – Blue drakes!!

Mine has been placed in my bank next to the bronze drake I will one day learn if I can ever afford to get epic flight training!!

Shame my mage is still waiting for the damn thing to drop for her!

Since switching her alliance I have been trying to run some heroics on her, I just picked up my tier 9 chest piece and only 30 more badges to go and I can get the tier 9 helm to give me the 4 set bonus,  that MAY be enough to boost my gearscore enough to tank some ICC/TOC runs….

Once again I am feeling the pressure as a tank – I get so frustrated that people in heroics do not spend ANY time waiting for the tank anymore, I realise most people are over geared for the content, but some of us are learning our feet.  I hate it when I throw an aveger’s shield on mobs, then have not even laid consecrate and DPS are chowing on mob meat…I mean SERIOUSLY!!!!  Avenger’s shield is like a bullet, grabs their attention and doesn’t do much else – and certainly doesn’t help on mobs where they are twoo far apart to be hit.  Why is it such a hard thing to wait until the tank has at least HIT the fucking mob ebfore starting it.  I have always and will always wait for the tank to get off consecrate or thunderclap or DnD or SOMETHING AOEish before going hell bent – there are very few times when I will hit a mob before the tank has.

I can see why people hate tanking and I can see why so many people just refuse to do it anymore, indeed one of our guild MT’s is deciding to call it quits for the xpac – hence I may be taking over that tanking spot. It is so easy to see why.  I would hope that raiding is different, you can set the expectation of your raiders and PUG’s (maybe) so they give you three seconds alone time with the mobs…but wow…I have to work twice as hard as a tank….but I do enjoy it 😀

Yes I switched her, I will likely move my warrior horde side and make her my first ever male character, although I am not entirely sure about that yet 🙂   I might finish my hunter that is sitting on a US time server though – not sure yet 😀

Anyway – here is the new girl, yes I went spacegoat again 🙂 I like the tails ok!!?!?!

She is fully Prot now, and I am working on her tier 9 gear so I can start pugging the ICC stuff, I have 2 more of the badge pieces to try and get and to be honest if we have an alt run through ICC any time soon for the first four bosses I may see if I can snaffle her a shot 😀

I was tanking some normal runs yesterday – non heroic – to try and get back into the swing of it, made a few mistakes etc, but no one was taking aggro off me and a few of them were trying their damn hardest.  I really feel sorry for actual tanks (which may be me at Cata).  People just don’t get it 😀

It was fun to be on her again, I really enjoy tanking I have to admit.  I like it on my warrior as well, I just think AOE tanking is such less a hassle on the pally 😀 But I am pretty good with my warrior as well I think.  A little more practice and I may be good at it !!  LOL

I have an alt :D

MY pally is now 80!

Yes yes, I spent all weekend levelling her due to guild dramas and went from 76 to 80!

She is mostly in greens at the moment, but will change with a few runs and some rep. I am very excited to have an alt, shame it is on theother faction 😀  However pretty exciting to be able to do some end game stuff with hubby!

My Pally :D

So my pally girl is now level 70!!!


Was a long road to get here, and managed to do it with 1 minute left on the timer before the shut down occured, so no one was there to witness it with me except my Muze 😀

So now I am just having to go the long road to 80 🙂  I haven’t had a chance to play her much this week, due to sickness etc.   And this weekend we will be in Wodonga, so another weekend gone!  BUT WOOOT!!