Category: Cataclysm

So they are changing cataclysm a little bit. I would have been upset about the guild achievements being removed, but well I am not overly upset now 🙂

I like some of the changes, but not sure about others. Doesn’t really matter to be honest, I love the game and they would have to really screw it up for me to not want to play 🙂

I will just wait and hope it means it will come out sooner now!!! Fingers crossed anyway 🙂

I think that is why I have nomoney to be honest…I relaly need to start doing my dailies on them all, i just can’t seem to find the time to get them done…no that’s a lie, I just prefer standing in Dalaran wasting time than doing dailies!!

How do poeple find the energy and motivation to do the dailies on mulitple toons when I can’t even do it on one toon?

Time to crack the whip I think and start saving….I want to have money heaing into cata, I have a feeling flying is going to cost like 80000000 for the newer faster level (if there is one).

We are the lucky ones

Last night before raid I was trolling a few blogs as I always do, and i noticed a theme, so many people are having trouble getting people to log on for raids because Cataclysm is coming….now I agree, it is coming – at some point, in the future, but as for when? Hell we have only just been thrown the beta opt in and from past experience, that will take at least a few months, let’s say ballpark 3….then add 2 months for the release date and actual launch etc.

So that is still a very long time to be not raiding or doing anything in game except standing around twiddling thumbs? I plan to cut raiding off once we have a confirmed release date AND after we have killed the Lich King a couple of times. I am pretty sure most of the guild would be ok with that, most of my guild though, want to see the Lich King Dead, so we are all pretty motivated to do that 😀

I have so much to do once an announcement has been made about release, I have to consider, once again what I want from the game, how to implement that with the guild and not lose people 😀 , I have to re-do the website – it is in need of a major overhaul, and the guild needs a major overhaul, and I need to toughen up as a guild leader if we stay together as a guild and move forward. The guild as it currently is, is almost in a state of perfection, yes we have shitty nights, and yes we grumble and grizzle, but we have the best group of players right now, better even than the players we had back in SSC/TK days….This group has the potential to do so much and move through content so quickly….everyone single person picks up strats so damn fast, we spend a couple of shots wiping, then you can tell when people understand the fight….I know we could be awesome…..however I digress….massive tangent there….

I would be heartbroken if we were like those other guilds struggling to get raids happening, yeah this week has been slow for us, but we have 5 people down, out of a 14 man raider base, shit happens really, and from next week everyone will be back on board anyway. We really are the lucky ones that we have found 13 other people who are just as motivated and enjoy raiding as much as each other.

I do love my guildies and I am so glad we have worked so hard to get this group to where it is. Hopefully being that we are coming into a new expansion with a great group, we won’t lose anyone and be behind the eightball. It is my fault really – every time new content comes out I move or change the guild and it sets us back, this time I am hoping everyone will stay together and we will be able to level quickly and get back into raiding really fast 😀

Around and About

So, I though I should add to the buzz about Cata and add some screenies of areas in the game that may be getting overhauled and changed etc that I really adore, there aren’t all that many to be honest, I like lots of places but, as usual, when trying to remember exactly where, I tend to forget…the major problem with my plan was two things, I loved Dalaran and would have taken an entire roll of film on the pink bubble….but well, we all know what happened there, and a lot of my favorite places are actually in Outland and therefore not being altered that we know about 😀

So I trundled about and found some nice shots for you, well I hope they are nice, they could suck immensely 😀  I have had to place the thumbnails here, so click on them for the full versions.  I didn’t want to cut them down in size to fit the style of my blog as I think it would lose the beauty 😀

This is a very old screenshot I took many many moons ago, of me on top of a boat leaving Exodar….I love that we used to be able to climb the boats….hence why it is in this post….nostalgia coming out I know 😀

Stormwind!  My first character (still the one i plat as my main) 5 years later is still in awe when she walks into this city.  I love this screenie!  I really love it.

Exodar, yes I know not entirely valid as not likely to be mutated, but It is still one of the prettiest cities!

Boating into Auberdine always impresses me with the super long dock and the wonderful boats anchored….

A couple of statues that I adore whilst being in Ashenvale.  It just adds to the age.

Shrine of Aessina :  Gorgeous little secluded place.

Maestra’s post – I love this place…I don’t know why!

I can’t remember it’s name right now, but I love this swirly cortex of death!

The Shrine.  This was one of the most wonderful things I ever noticed in game, and was even more impressed when i read up about what it was for. Blizz never disappoint when it comes to adding memorials for those who loved the game.

Barrens Wildlife 🙂  I had just come down from the shrine when these little guys ran straight up to me.  One of the things I hope they add more off in Cata 😀

If I get a chance I may do some more in the next few weeks….we’ll see how that goes!

Poor Me

This is a poor me post, so feel free to just skip right over it 🙂

I am feeling very out of the loop at the moment with my guild, moving house has really put me on the back foot. We have new poeple in the guild that I have not raided with, who have been fitting in wonderfully, I had some else offer to be raid leader and there was basiclaly an entire post dedicated to how wonderful he is as a RL and couldn’t be more perfect and how hard he must find it (obviously my efforts were so bad – I never warranted an entire page of threads to my wonderful raid leading without me asking frist 😦 )

A few of us are considering the benefits of perhaps pushing into 25 man content again and the guild have already started on that journey ingame, without me. They are starting to consider PUGing whatever we need for 25 mans on one night of the week, and I am excited for them.

It is great they are functioning well without me being there, but I just miss it. Isn’t that stupid, I miss being in the thick of it and having some measure of control about what is going on. I miss being a part of the raiding, the killing, the wipes, the pain, the excited, the joy, the ups and downs….I miss it….I miss my guys, I miss the chats, the laughter on vents and mostly I miss Azeroth…I miss just floating around on my toons and doing whatever….I miss laughing at trade chat and I miss zoning into places and seeing my purple and blue bolts whizzing around….Hi, my name is Dark and I am an addict 🙂 heeheh

Mage class preview changes

So I waited patiently, reading all the other class changes, excited and in awe that we we re getting provided with any information prior to release 😀

Anyway, it was almost the 11th April here when they finally went up, so don’t tell me i wasn’t patient 😀

Mage changes are pretty nice, i don’t want to play arcane – will defintely be looking into fire or frost..probably frost as that has been the spec I have wanted to play for a while.

I am not going to go through all the changes as any bloggers that read this will already know what they are. But I am excited to be able to see what kind of things they are thinking.

I am amazed though that so many people are angry at the changes, I men they haven’t even released the game, you haven’t even played it yet and you want to bitch, well to be honest, I have not disliked much that blizz have done, I enjoy the game an I think ultimately if Blizz breaks something they do fix it – eventually 🙂

I am excited!!!

Guild makes me want to cry!!!

The 1 month I am not online is the month they FINALLY decide to start doing some hardmodes and achievement runs in Uld/TOC – I could kill them!!!

Apparently we have jumped from 69th to about 53rd or something in the last 2 weeks, which is kind of cool 🙂

I am glad they are managing to get some achievements done, good to see them working together 😀

I am suffering some major withdrawals, I know everyone says that, but I am seriously suffering, I keep thinking of different areas in the game I want to just ride through, or places I enjoyed whilst levelling, and just a general buzz when I think of the game…I am pathetic I know…but I just can’t help it!!

My hubby has basically given the game away I think, he is pretty much over it, still enjoy it too much to want to quit, so I will be bringing my pally to the alliance side and should hubby decide to take up the game again after Cataclysm I will switch a toon hordeside again.

I wish we could get more information about Cata!! I really want to learn more about the guild achievements and I want to knwo what to expect and if a guild restructure can occur perhaps, I really want to get into 25 mans for Cata….either this guild or join another….I want to be at the forefront of raiding – I am not meaning server firsts – but I am sick of being last to be raid ready….that’s just me being selfish though 😀

Anyway only 3 weeks to go then I should be back online!!! THREE WEEKS!!!! SQUEEEE!!! I hate moving!!! am just on the last leg of packing – will be starting the entire cleaning process this week and planning for our new PC’s 🙂 mmmmmm New computers that can let me have my details settings on high and let me not drop below 65 fps in Dalaran – yes that is my aim!!

AND OMG I can do my UI again and have it the way I want it – with sexymap running and mmm, so many other little gems!! God I am getting more excited about my new computer than anything else at the moment 🙂 !!!

Blizzcon 09

So we bought the blizzcon via internet stream and watched it this weekend 🙂

So many good things coming out of the xpac 😀

Gear Stats :
Mp5/Spellpower/Defence/armour penetration – all gone!

Healers will now need spirit as mana regen. DPS will now need int for power. No spirit on mage/warlock gear ever again. Defence may end up being a talentable stat instead of gear based. Agility now = 2 AP for classes like rogues etc again.

Hunter mana – gone! Now have 100 focus as per other classes like rogues/warriors etc

Warlock soul shards – gone from bags – part of game play now

Guild advancement – have a talent tree for guilds now, you earn points for killing bosses/guild achievements etc which you can use to get talents like, mass ressing the raid/mass summon of the raid/ lower durability for wipes etc.

LFG – Cross server functionality now. (coming in patch 3.3 if they can make it work by then)

New secondary profession – archaeology – find relics around the world and opens up new glyphs which are NOT part of inscription.

Professions now have multiple gains – so can make a blue chst for 5 skill ups or 5 green bracers for 5 points – means things you make can be more useful as you level a profession.

Reforging – classes like tailoring/BS/LW etc can take a peice of gear and alter the stats on it. Ie lessen the stam on the item for more spirit. Cannot add more of the same stat on the gear, so can’t lower stam for added spirit (if spirit is on the gear already).

New races – Worgens/Goblins.

4 new raids, heaps new dungeons – heroic Deadmines and heroic shadowfang Keep.

Level 85 is the new level cap.

Flying in all of Azeroth once you hit 85.