Tag Archive: hit


After spending a few hundred dollars and regemming some of my gear – I am now sitting pretty on 3008 Spell damage!!!  When i self buff with Arc Int it goes up to 3018 😀  That does not include potions/food, raid buffs!!!

AM SOOOO EXCITED!!?!?!?!!?!?

Will be cool to see if it makes any difference to my raiding.  I also ditched thwe Maghari’s Staff for the Frost needle with Scourgelord’s Baton, so that bumped up my stats huge amounts.  The only problem is I am now sitting on 462 hit rating!!  So I am going to make very sure the next piece of gear I take does not have hit on it…I may just scream to be honest!!

warrior stuff again

shield slam > revenge > shockwave > conc blow > devastate.

There are several different hit caps.
The melee hit cap causes all your single weapon auto attacks to always hit and causes all special melee attacks to always hit. This is reached at 8%.
The spell hit cap causes all your spells to always hit. This is reached at 17%.
The dual wield hit cap causes all your dual wield auto attacks to always hit. This is reached at 27%

Hit is almost a pure threat stat, it causes your attacks to hit more, and thus it makes you do more threat. There should be a reasonable amount of hit available on tank gear, but you shouldn’t gem or enchant for it.
The only time you should ever worry about hit caps is if you need to taunt something. If you glyph taunt, and the boss is properly debuffed (Improved Faerie Fire – Spell – World of Warcraft or Misery – Spell – World of Warcraft), you need 6% additional spell hit chance to always hit with yout taunt. This is 158 hit rating.

Note that taunt is based off of spell hit, and that you get more spell hit chance from your rating then that you get melee hit chance.

Expertise governs two things. The chance a mob has to dodge you and the chance a boss has to parry you.
You negate the mobs chance to dodge you when you reach 6.5% dodge and parry reduction at 26 expertise skill.
You negate the mobs chance to parry you when you reach 14% dodge and parry reduction at 56 expertise skill.

A note on hit and expertise.
For both hit and expertise, the general thing to remember is this: “If you do enough threat, you don’t need more of them. It is important, though, to realize that having more of either of them will make your threat less spiky. While this effect is minor, having a string of misses at the beginning of a fight can cause someone to grab aggro.
My advice would be to not worry about getting to either cap, but not completely ignoring the stat either. Gemming or enchanting for hit or expertise shouldn’t be needed

Hit rating

Ok, my hit breakdown in english 😀  well my english anyway:

So based on the fact we don’t have an Oomkin all the time – i need my hit to be at (for my fire spec) 420 for most raids and  341 for some...LOL…great fun that will be 😀

Arcane spec – 263 hit rating for most raids.

Hit cap is 446  without any buffs or talents

Draenai buff = 1% or 26 points (approx)

SP or Oomkin buff = 3% or 79 points (approx)

Arcane Mage with Arcane Focus and Precision – 289 hit rating. Faerie Fire or Misery – 210 hit rating. Draenei AND SP or OOmkin – 184 hit rating.

Frost or Frostfire Mage with Precision, – 368 hit rating. Faerie Fire or Misery – 289 hit rating. Draenei AND SP or OOmkin – 263 hit rating.

Fire Mage / Torment the Weak  – 446 hit rating. Faerie Fire or Misery – 368 hit rating. Draenei AND SP or OOmkin – 341 hit rating.