I have not done on e of these shared topics before as I never really had much to say on any of them, however, this one is great!

Which town, quest, NPC, or zone really needs to be purged with fire, in your opinion? Will you enjoy dancing on the ashes of a particularly hated quest giver? Or is there some zone you avoid like the plague (plaguelands excluded) where being nuked from orbit could only improve the experience? And why do you hate it/them so much?

There are too many for just one…so here is my long list 😀

1 – anything, and I mean anything, near, about, related to or that has any connection to Gnomer the instance – and I mean all quests as well…possibly even tinkertown!! I hated that place possibly the same amount as the next one.

2 – Uldadoom…..yes….I cannot speak anymore about it as it makes me froth at the mouth in anger!

3 – When i was levelling my mage there was a quest in Theramore near one of the guard towers, part of the stupid missing diplomat quest chain I am pretty sure….I failed it so many times i left it alone and came back when I was 80…..that’s two xpacs later – I hated it so much I could not stand it….that also goes for that stupid cow in the hut – Tabitha…yes….she should get her own graveyard.

4 – When doing the starting zone for DK’s there is a quest you need to poke people with a magical stick to get them to talk to you, the first time I ever did that quest t took me close to 50 minutes to complete. Every person I poked did nothing but die. It is a stupid quest and should be removed from the game! I hope they blow up eastern plaguelands and whoever hands you that quests get swallowed by lava!

and finally, the one thing that should be wiped off the face of Azeroth in a huge smelting pot of lava and fire are:

5 – murlocs…all murlocs should be made extinct, oh they are funny and everyone finds them amusing now, but I cannot count the amount of deaths I have chalked up to those horrible things. I often find myself back in SS or Elwynn forest just nuking them for fun and payback….