Category: Strats

Sindragosa 3rd Phase…

yes, this is still a problem….

We got Blood queen down last night after about 3 attempts I think? Might have been 4…so not quite there, we are still having too many people dying right towards the end…bad timing on our part with the DPS I think and her air phases….

So we went to Sind, had a few attempts and got smashed every time.

We are trying something new for us though and that is tanking her parallel to the staircase.   That seemed to be going much better than any other attempts we also tried having 1 tank, 2 healers and just bburning her in the last phase, but I am undecided if that worked better or worse 😀

So we have all of Monday night to work on her, with everyone on the stairs and pew pewing it seemed to make it a lot easier, I have no idea why but it seemed to work for us.

We are thinking of extendeding the lockout for the first time this week, but the appealing thing is we knocked over 9 bosses and the ICC weekly in one night, it’s a lot of badges…24 or something I think we worked out…but I am not so sure 24 badges makes up for killing Sind 🙂 hehhehe  but then I am a sadist 🙂

I just want her down this reset!!  If we kill her then we will likely defiantly extened the lockout this week I think so we can go and definately have a look at LK 🙂 o.O  to be 11/12!!!  LOL

Lich king strat

from totemz! I hope you don’t mind me linking 😀

Elemental Boss Guides – The Lich King

Thorim Strat

So we have figured that either 2 hunters or a hunter and a melee down the gauntlet works really well for us, and also 2 tanks in the arena seems to be the winner for us. I know it reduced a DPS, but in all honesty, I think 2 tanks is more important in keeping people alive.

There really isn’t much else to the strat, once he comes down we just get everyone to move out of the orbs and kick his butt. 

Our first killing of him we did with about 1.5 minutes to spare, so we did have some wiggle room which was nice 🙂

Iron Council Strat

So far the best strat that has worked for us, is having our MT grab Steelbreaker and tank him near the front door, and an OT picking up Morogrim (or whatever his name is) and tanking him to the left hand side of the room. (Left hand as you are looking at them).  We don’t even worry about a tank on Brundir until after Steelbreaker is down.

Basically we pop heroism as soon as possible on Steelbreaker so we can get him down faster. We have one healer on Morogrim Tank and 1.5 on the Steelbreaker tank.  We send out .5 tank healer to help on Moro just as Steelbreaker is dying – approx 10% as the tank on Moro ends up taking more.  We all race over to Moro, with the Steelbreaker tank going and picking up Brunir.

Our last good attempts we got Brundir to about 50% before we just had too few alive.

The Runes of Death lived up to their name and just kept killing people.

Seems to work well for us, just hoping we can get some good practice in as I think this is a winner.

Hodir Strat

So basically our Hodir Strat is to remove all the NPC’s from the iceblocks – every time the flash freeze happens…get them out – starting with the mage of course 😀

We tank him in the centre of the circle on the ground and try and keep him as still as possible, so we don’t have to move around as much.  We don’t use a frost tank, and we don’t tank him up the back of the room.

Avoid the runes and priest for Mass dispel is super awesome 😀  We also don’t generally worry about the moonbeams very much and we focus more on the toasty fires.

Sounds easy on paper, much harder in practice 😀  It works for us 🙂

Auriya Strat

Crazy cat Lady 😀  Evil bitch this one.

We use a few combos of strats out there, we have a hunter/immolation trap, DK/D&D, Pally/Consecrate etc to pull them over, we stand at the top of the stars and the end of their patrol and we hide 😀  We have an OT for the 2 cats and a tank for the boss. Generally our Prot warrior takes the 2 cats and our feral takes the boss.

We DPS one cat then the other, popping heroism at the start. If we are having a good DPS night, both cats will be down before the first scream, otherwise the second cat will be at approx 10% health and gets burned down pretty quickly once we get back.

We let the OT pick up the feral defender as much as possible and we don’t DPS it all, just let the general AOE splash damage kill it, at about 5% health we try and move it away from the boss and if not possible the tank starts moving the boss away for the void sphere that spawns.  once the defender is down we move the boss to the the other end of the platform not even very far really, enough that if people get feared it isn’t in the void zone.

Generally we get 2 spawns of the feral defender and only one void zone before the boss is killed.

Kologarn Strat

Kologarn, is such a fun fight 🙂 Dead easy too 😀

MT attacks Kologarn – funny that :d  Making sure they dont’ fall off the ledge 😀  We have lost so many people down the front of Kologarn’s pants 😀

All DPS is on the Right Arm, we pop heroism when the arm respawns.  We have our OT pick up all the adds that spawn when the arms is killed, and me and a lock generally AOE the adds down as soon as the tank has aggro.

Wait for the arm to respawn then take it down again, we don’t worry about the left arm.

The only other thing is to watch out for the eyebeams…we basically run towards the back wall and then along the wall if we get targeted, it keeps it away from the rest of them 🙂