Tag Archive: Warrior

Taurens are the shizz :D

I moved my warrior horde side 😀 Hubby has a horde fetish and wanted to run some heroics, so since I have offered my pally to the guild for xpac my warrior was doing nothing 😀

I have to get a decent picture, I didnt take any today when I did it 😀 but here is one of him getting his groove on 😀

Was very odd running around on him today, for a start – its a him!! LOL my first male toon ever I think!!

Ran a handful of heroics, wiped us twice, once due to poor management, I think my arse is now bigger than I realise and I backed into some mobs, the other time I can’t remember right now what happened, but all in all we coped and no one abused me, so that is good.

Almost got enough badges for a couple more tier 9 pieces which should boost me enough to perhaps start running UldTOC or something…..if I am lucky anyway 😀

Yes I switched her, I will likely move my warrior horde side and make her my first ever male character, although I am not entirely sure about that yet 🙂   I might finish my hunter that is sitting on a US time server though – not sure yet 😀

Anyway – here is the new girl, yes I went spacegoat again 🙂 I like the tails ok!!?!?!

She is fully Prot now, and I am working on her tier 9 gear so I can start pugging the ICC stuff, I have 2 more of the badge pieces to try and get and to be honest if we have an alt run through ICC any time soon for the first four bosses I may see if I can snaffle her a shot 😀

I was tanking some normal runs yesterday – non heroic – to try and get back into the swing of it, made a few mistakes etc, but no one was taking aggro off me and a few of them were trying their damn hardest.  I really feel sorry for actual tanks (which may be me at Cata).  People just don’t get it 😀

It was fun to be on her again, I really enjoy tanking I have to admit.  I like it on my warrior as well, I just think AOE tanking is such less a hassle on the pally 😀 But I am pretty good with my warrior as well I think.  A little more practice and I may be good at it !!  LOL

Protadin to the rescue!!

So I have been recently running heroics on my pally, and that is probably an exaggeration, it has been about 2 weeks since I have actually logged in, but prior to this little break due to Real life, I had just started running as a tank 🙂 

I am basically trying to say, that I think I miss it!!  LOL  I think I love tanking 😀  I can see why some people hate it, but I find it far less annoying than DPSing 🙂 

I am tanking on my warrior and my pally and I cannot choose which I prefer to play as a tank, they are both uber to me.

I don’t want to play my mage at the moment, I get too depressed when I log onto her and see she has no tier 10 due to lack of raiding at the moment.  So I like being on my wariror/pally who are slowly building up badges for the tier 9 gear 🙂  Will be abe to start PUGging ICC with them soon maybe 🙂 heehh 

Just thought you should know 😀

Tank and spank

So I got all revved up and decided to tank some heroics on my warrior….I have lost a little confidence in being a tank to be honest, I feel really bad that I can’t seem to hold multiple adds very well….and I know it is just experience, but I feel like a right royal twat sometimes when I am in a group with all randoms, because they don’t know that I am new to tanking….no one has said anything about it though, so can’t be too bad, and when I have told them I am new to tanking I generally get compliments so that is always good.

However tonight….tonight was kickarse!!  I tanked HoS!!  Yes HoS!!  You know the sucky instance with Brann Wankerbeard needing to be protected during that event?  I tanked it!!  And by tanked I mean we didn’t wipe!  We had a little trouble towards the end of the event as the 2 DPS had died from standing in a fire so mobs were running around everywhere and I was doing my best to grab them all, but I don’t have a heck of a lot of AOE taunting moves…..anyway….we survived, well the rest of us did 😀 

Then as luck would have it we got UP next.  You know with the gauntlet of death and the insane flying boss, well I managed to do that as well!!  LOL  I was on a high!!  We wiped once in UP – I didn’t get far enough into a corner to do a LoS pull, so I know for next time.    I got my red sword of courage!!!  So I have a much better weapon now that people can stop mocking me for…apparently my quest reward for killing Durn at level 65 was not considered a good weapon for my tanky 😀 hehehe

So I think I am starting to get a little more confident.  Having some raid experience now and some better gear is making it a little easier to feel like I am able to click tank on the random heroic thing now!!  Just need to keep the momentum going and get the gear happening 😀  I would like to start tanking on her more often 😀  I do enjoy it when I am having a good night J

Oh that’s right I also tanked ToC!!!  As in I was one of the tanks – actually tanking!!  The RL had me doing all the icky things like picking up adds “I nailed it”  hehehe.

Only need another 10 triumps for an offhand and ring upgrade…..woot woot!

warrior stuff again

shield slam > revenge > shockwave > conc blow > devastate.

There are several different hit caps.
The melee hit cap causes all your single weapon auto attacks to always hit and causes all special melee attacks to always hit. This is reached at 8%.
The spell hit cap causes all your spells to always hit. This is reached at 17%.
The dual wield hit cap causes all your dual wield auto attacks to always hit. This is reached at 27%

Hit is almost a pure threat stat, it causes your attacks to hit more, and thus it makes you do more threat. There should be a reasonable amount of hit available on tank gear, but you shouldn’t gem or enchant for it.
The only time you should ever worry about hit caps is if you need to taunt something. If you glyph taunt, and the boss is properly debuffed (Improved Faerie Fire – Spell – World of Warcraft or Misery – Spell – World of Warcraft), you need 6% additional spell hit chance to always hit with yout taunt. This is 158 hit rating.

Note that taunt is based off of spell hit, and that you get more spell hit chance from your rating then that you get melee hit chance.

Expertise governs two things. The chance a mob has to dodge you and the chance a boss has to parry you.
You negate the mobs chance to dodge you when you reach 6.5% dodge and parry reduction at 26 expertise skill.
You negate the mobs chance to parry you when you reach 14% dodge and parry reduction at 56 expertise skill.

A note on hit and expertise.
For both hit and expertise, the general thing to remember is this: “If you do enough threat, you don’t need more of them. It is important, though, to realize that having more of either of them will make your threat less spiky. While this effect is minor, having a string of misses at the beginning of a fight can cause someone to grab aggro.
My advice would be to not worry about getting to either cap, but not completely ignoring the stat either. Gemming or enchanting for hit or expertise shouldn’t be needed

<3 Warriors :D

So I got my warrior to 535 defense and a few of the guilds tanks were helping me get gear etc, one pally in particular made me a fair few pieces of gear, which I cannot thank him enough for. That gear got me to 535, so I went and ran Halls of Lightening….no, not heroic!! LOL but for my first ever real tanking experience I would say it was pretty fucking awesome! I was loving it!

I let a couple of mobs loose accidentally, which I got back as quickly as I could, I only wiped us once as I pulled too many mobs and the whirlwind killed us 😀 The trinket I was after off Loken dropped, so my defence is no at 544, so I can start running heroics…probably not hard ones, but the easier ones I should be fine for..and if I stay within the guild a little I should be ok 😀

We also went to ToC – normal with me on my warrior to get some gear, and one ring dropped…everything else was not any good for me. It was a funny run, we wiped 4 times on NRB, just bad bad luck apparently and people thinking they were out of the fire when they weren’t etc…it was just funny, then on Lord Jaxx, OMG how much a tard am I….I thought I had time to run to the other side of the boss before it started, but no…he chased me, killed me in 3 shots…I am glad it wasn’t a one shot – I have some dignity…but the MT couldn’t stop laughing as he was wondering why the boss was running away and I was pissing myself at being such a retard…basically it was a bit of a laugh fest 🙂 I felt like such a retard!!! But I just couldn’t stop laughing.

We managed to finish it though 😀 I also did the weekly raid on my warrior today as well 😀 I didn’t tank just attempted to DPS. I finally have some money again so will be paying for a DPS spec on her some time this week so I can do a little of both. I basically just want to run heroics with her as much as possible to get some badges for my tier 9 gear 🙂

All in all a very very awesome day! Am very very proud of my tanking abilities 😀

3rd toon at 80 :D

Woot!! Warrior is at 80!!

Don’t want to play her anymore!!  too hard!!

Warrior is getting closer

Yeah I got my warrior to 78 on Monday(?) i think!

She is now 30% through the level. She is wearing 2 pieces of the heirloom gear and that is helping a huge amount. Just need to ensure i kill loads of monsters!  and not beats or humanoids 🙂

One of the new guildies wanted to run me through toc normal fairly late last night, so I did that. I tanked 🙂  badly, well not true, not overlly badly, but the DPS would set in before I had hit the mob, and so they would run off into the wild. I didn’t say anything after al lia m only level 78 and I can’t be bothered yelling at people when the instance is pretty easy for level 80 toons and taking a hit from a mob isn’t dangerous 🙂 hehe

I was managing to keep my threat far above the DPS, which I was pretty proud about and I was only in really crappy greens/blue gear, I think some of my tanking gear may actually be level 70 stuff as well.  Possibly even lower 😀

All in all I woudl like to have her done this week,  but I can’t see that happening, I have a very busy weekend scheduled, although I di have nothing planned for Saturday night, I might be able to get some game time in then- perhaps get her to 79 and I may be able to get some game time tonight or friday 🙂

She may hit 80 by the weekend yet!!



My warrior is now 75 😀  

After too many years sitting on the sidelines, she is so close to getting to 80. I am pretty excited to be finally working on another toon.

It should hopefully only take me another week to get her the rest of the way, maybe 2 weeks since I will be raiding as well.

Defense rating

Each point of +Defense skill adds 0.04% to the chance to be Missed, to Block, to Dodge and to Parry.

This means +25 Defense will grant you an extra 1% Miss, Parry, Dodge, and Block. The formula is constant across all classes.

  • Critical Hit immunity for a level 80 player against a raid boss occurs at 540 Defense and requires a defense skill of 140 (689 +def rating) from gear to achieve. The defense minimum for heroic dungeons is 535 Defense.
  • Critical Hit immunity for a level 80 player against a raid boss can also be achieved by a Resilience of 5.6% and requires a resilience rating of 459.2 to achieve.