Archive for January, 2010

3d Zerg OBS

We went into OBS last night to do a guild Zerg, we hadn’t done one yet.

And it was awesome.  We had about 10 attempts, but every single time, something silly woudl happen to just screw us, in the end, we did it and the achievements flew!  Everyone got the achievement and the mount was one by the one person who has been into OBS a couple of times 🙂  So he was pretty happy.

So everyone was above 5k – most of us were above 6k to be honest and it was really good fun.  I am happy we have that done, everyone wants to go back in there weekly now to get the drakes 🙂 heeh  so we could have some fun with that!

Alt time :)

My poor alts have been neglected until recently.  I have been playing them a fair bit which is so much fun. I can see why people like having alts  🙂

My warrior has been running heroics as much as possible, I picked up 2 pieces of Tier gear with my triumphs and so am starting to get her better geared. I picked up the pieces that repalced current blues to ensure better overall upgrades. 

I am getting better at tanking and am offering to run them as much as possible as tank, I am still a little slow on picking up loose mobs, but i think some of that is that I can’t see the loose mobs when my FPS start to go ballistic, and being a tank I am right in the thick of it, on top of the fact I sometimes get lost in the button smashing 🙂 heh  But I am getting there, I need more stam and I need to get my gear enchanted….which I haven’t done.

I have also started levelling her mining again and her blacksmithing. Nowhere near finisihed yet, but at least I am making an effort 😀  She is let’s say – 50% through both of them.

My shammy is stagnating at 68 waiting for the hubby to get his pally to the same level so we can level through Northrend together.  So I have taken her back to the starting areas to level her skinning and herbalism, I am hoping to be at the northrend level so whilst levelling I can get all gathering done as well and make some money off it.  We shodul be getting started on them soon, which is cool.

My priest, is now level 30 and she is going to be an enchanter/JC, I have not started either of her professions, I should start now though so i can send her everything from my other toons as I go.  I am just running her through dungeons at the moment with the random thing and levelling that way when i get some time on her.  I actually chose skinning/herbalism for her then realised I had my shammy with those two professions, so I had to find others for her to do 😀

My druid is on hold now, until Cataclysm – I want a worgen druid and I am nto going to level the same class twice 🙂  So she is just a place holder for the minute, I will be making her a LW – and not sure what else at this stage – maybe engineer 😀  So I might make her a guild bank of her own so I can start stocking stuff etc for all my levelling of professions.  No point selling all the lower level leathers, if my druid will use them later, so I just want to store them basically, same with all the gems etc

My pally hasn’t been logged into for about  months, I am considering just transferring her over to the alliance side.  I like my Pally and I miss not being able to play her. I would like to get some healing experience on her. Then I will have all bases covered, healing/tanking and DPSing 🙂 eheh

What a fucking night!!  OMG, I am sort of speechless!  Tonight was supposed to be a shooting the breeze kind of night, you know, do some TOC and some Ony and then OBS etc just chill out. Instead the guys went and did TOC – in 30 minutes!!! – and then headed to ICC for some killing.

ToC – in 30 minuites was just amazing…everything was dead so quickly and from the sounds of it everyone was doing what they should so perfectly, I have never seen the bosses die so fast in there 🙂

I didn’t originally want them to go to ICC as I didn’t know if everyone that missed out last week would be in, but they were. so They trundled off, without 2 of their higher DPS, and managed to one shot marrowgar, 3 shot LDW, 1 Shot Gunship and Saurfang!! 

It was damn funny as the Raid leader was saying, “we’ll just give it a shot and see how we go ok – no pressure”  and it was perfect execution!  He did so quickly and easily 😀

They had an awesome night and worked together really well!  I was enjoying just listening to them on vents getting it done, I have to admit I was very jealous !  Runs never go that smoothly when I am in them!  HAHAH  But I am happy they are managing to get some awesome group work happening 🙂

Next boss down!

Next boss down in ICC!!  Festergut i think it was.  From the sounds of it they spent all night attempting it and kept getting him to under 30%.  So am really impressed they managed to do it!  They were all wondering if they could and I told them all to at least try!

I am very happy they got the boss down, it means that if we have the better DPS in there we will be walking through that fight easily, that would have been another morale booster for people. That is just wonderful!

I didn’t get in to the raid last night as mentioned in the previous post I had to sit out to let this other person in.  I have never seen this wing of ICC and I was really excited to be up to it and I HAD TO FUCKING SIT OUT!!!!!!  I am so angry about it and I am annoyed that I couldn’t sit someone else out, but because of the DPS needed for the fight everyone that was in there had to be in there, and also to be fair to the people that had missed out the night before.  

I am just being petty that my raid spot has been compromised again because of someone who, by all rights, shouldn’t even be in the guild as a raiding member and now I have to come up with a solution to this problem because everyone expects me to.

I was bombarded last night with questions about something in the guild, which I have to say I am quite annoyed about.

People missing out on raids and having to sit out and be rotated.  Specifically one person, which has really gotten on my nerves.    This exact situation is what occurs when people invite whoever the fuck they feel like it and do not consider the ramifications of what they do.

We didn’t need this extra person in the guild and it has now caused a major issue for the people involved and is causing me to have to make up some bullshit PR spiel to make everyone happy when I haven’t even thought about how the fuck we fit them into the raiding roster. 

So what he used to be with us, he left when we moved and should not have just been handed a raiding spot on a silver platter considering we had more than enough people aitting out on raid nights as it is.  I now have to rotate 2 of my best players for someone who is not as good becuase he was offered to raid with us.

Not impressed and not sure I am able to handle people invite others without any thought for what that means as a group and how that affects others having to sit out.


So what a fabulous night in ICC we had!

Our first run through as a guild and most of us were not really expecting to get past Deathwhisper. But nope we cleared to Saurfang and killed the monkey!

I finally got my damn achievement for clearing that wing!  LOL  So did a few others.

We had a failed first attempt on Marrowgar, and by fail I think we had him to like under 10% or something stupid…we just had blue flame in bad bad places 🙂 eheh  Deathwhisper we one shot, we just spanked the adds as soon as they came out and we did the fight perfectly,  I don’t rememebr if we even lost anyone during the fight?  The gunship we took a couple of attempts on only because we kept losing a tank due to exuberance.  Once we sorted that out, perfect attempt the next time.  Saurfang took three attempts and we were getting him to below 15% the first time, then 3% the second then down the third. 

We just had a really good night, heaps of upgrades, especially for one of our healers, which is awesome and we only sharded 1 item i think, or something like that.  Was great to see so many pieces being used!

New piccies for the website and a great morale booster for our guys.  With the lack of experience we had in there, we did really well for out first night, let’s hope we can continue that!

Here we go again :D

So I left, obviously and it caused quite a stir.

I stupidly thought I would one of only a couple that would leave due to the crap that occurred, but well nope, the entire guild bar 2 people left and came back to the old guild, which I have kept around for the bank tabs etc.

So on the first night we all jumped on our old vents server and just chatted about the whole thing.  We are back to being just a 10 man guild and being part of the family.

One of my mates likened it to putting his comfy slippers back on and sitting on the couch with a beer, I found this heartwarming to be honest.

I felt awful the first couple of days, constantly apologising to everyone for the hassles, but there is only a couple of people I feel really bad about as I know they were really happy there and would have stayed with them.  I need to just deal with the fact that if they didn’t want to be here, they wouldn’t be, and I love them, but I don’t want them to be here if it makes them unhappy in any way.  ARGH, I will talk to them over the next couple of days 😀

We raided on Monday night, just ToC, OBS and Ony, nothing major but it was nice to get into the groove with everyone again.  We had fun, we were just enjoying ourselves 😀

Tonight, shutdown, we just went to trash farm in ICC, which will be good for the people that havent been there much, it means tomorrow night we shouldn’t have too many problems.  I think everyone in the raid wiped us tonight for just oddball things, was fun in an annoying kind of way 😀  but we were all laughing about it.  A couple of us got some ring upgrades due to the rep increase, which was nice, but the practice is good as none of us have been in there all that much 😀

I did not plan to be running a guild again, so am in the process of dealing with all that again.  We have delegated 3 other people to help with the admin stuff and help out, so I might make up a list over the next couple of days detailing what they can do to help etc.  So should make my life easier 😀

The guild as a whole is going to stay as a 10 man thing, but look at doing 25 mans one night a week etc, perhaps even more than one night, but it will just be with alliances so to speak.  We already have a possibility lined up, but will need to discuss it further with everyone and the other guild obviously 😀  We will keep recruiting and stuff, but it isn’t going to be a focus, we are hoping that by pugging more, we may score people that are more like us etc.  So we may get into 25 mans one day, but we are not going to aim for it in anyway at this time.

All in all I think it will be good, this way we can get some 25 man stuff in for those who really want to do it and then 10 mans for us to just enjoy the game and have some fun again 😀  I am basically nervous, excited, ashamed, upset, happy, sad, and scared.  LOL all rolled into one ball!

Let’s see ow it goes from here 😀

Didn’t see that coming..

So talk about guild drama….wow did it get nasty in one day…..

As far as I knew everything was travelling along all fine and then a post was made on the forums by a guildie asking for raids to be organised a little better, so a few posts were made by the GM and others then I made a post about having a raid bitch to organsie raids 2 days in advance and that perhaps we coudl run things without the GM being online…somehow, I am still nto sure how, that caused a major blow up to the point where the GM responded saying my post made him want to quit WoW and that I had not listened to anything previsouly posted and that all our effort was wasted etc…anyway he was pretty nasty….so then a couple of people arced up to defend me – I might add i didn’t post again after my first post….and from there the topic just got worse and worse. 

The whole idea was that we were requesting to have some raid organisation before raid night, but the officers and GM’s kept yelling and screaming about people missing out on raids should stop being such babies?  I am not sure how they got to the conclusion any of us were complaining.

Anyway in the end one of the GM’s called my friend an “illiterate fuck”, that was as far as I was going tro take it so I gquit.  I was not prepared for all my old guildies to quit with me, so we trundled back to MA last night. Upset, tired and a little shocked was I…..

I then got an email last night advising me of a comment posted on my blog, pleas refer to the previous post for that little gem.  I am not entirely sure what this person means as I used to chat to  3 people, and only one had an accent that I used to comment about, but I didn’t realise that talking to people = flirting…I shall have to remember that with my current guild mates as I would not want them to think I was trying to get them all in the sack for one giant gangbang!

Anyway if nothing else I have learnt that no matter what you may think or how well you are playing with others,  some people are cunts and will be that way forever.

Please find below the post I made which if you refer to the comment posted on the previous blog, was be posting shit all over their forums?

No offence meant here, if you want people to take initiative we need to know it is ok to do so?

The other night we we were told a run wouldn’t be going because you and Sere were not online, now I am no expert but we had 2 tanks online with a third who could have tanked the trash/OT in ICC easily enough. IN the end you both came online so all was well, but by then the raid was not started until almost 9pm server time. Granted I am referring to a 25 man here, and not 10 mans.

However the 10 man runs can be sorted the night before, you guys are very particular about people signing up on the forums so use that sign up, or the addon Koli linked. If people are not signed up don’t base the groups on them, end of story. We have more than enough people in the guild with alts all over the shop who can handle almost every situation possible.

I used to be in a guild, a very long time ago, that had one officer dedicated to raid organisation. We had to sign up at least 2 days before said raid and that officer kept track of everything – who was in, out, guaranteed next spot etc.

We had 2 sign ups each night for the 2 different teams and if you signed up for Team Mouse on day one, you signed up for the same team on day 2, day 3, day 4, so you had to ensure you were available for all relevant days (or at least note fi you couldnt make which day).

That officer was then able to approve and queue up people for raids 2 days in advance which meant the raid could get organised within 3 minutes and there was no stuffing about and people were sat out if they were not online.

The issue Muffy is you are being RL/GM/Spec person etc etc etc, you need to delegate and tell people to shove it if they are not happy with that. And use mods and people to help achieve those goals of running more smoothly. Says me who didnt delegate anything :p

This is more diffcult with the influx of people have had due to us joining, we added a 10 man group to the guild, which has caused more headached for the organising of raids, however I am more than happy to be the raid bitch if you need one and set up the calenders etc and approve groups etc so that when you log into game you are ready to go and all the raid leaders can just invite everyone who is approved etc.

I guess what I am trying to say is, you want us to take initiative, but on many occassions things do not go ahead without you and Sere online and that has been noted as the reason, so can there be some discussion about what we expect from the people who are able to fill vital roles, because as I understand it, if you were to take a holiday, we would not be raiding?

you spin me right round baby

Was playing on the laptop tonight and i seem to have burnt my wrist from the heat. I have a scorch mark where is was laying on the computer. Bloody hurts actually, it is all bubbled and red.

Spent the night sorting out all my toons, getting bags and selling things etc, was nice to just get some stuff done that I have been meaning to do.

I didn’t get to raid tonight due to my pc, I don’t want to take a raider spot when my pc cant handle it. It isnt fair to the raid or others in the guild. Kind of a mute point though since I told the officers to demote me since i would not be raiding anymore, but they refused to demote me….so i figure this lack of raiding may lose me a raid position, but in the end i have no choice in the matter i have to wait to get my new pc, which should be in about 3 weeks if all goes to plan. Let’s hope it all goes to plan hey?

warrior stuff again

shield slam > revenge > shockwave > conc blow > devastate.

There are several different hit caps.
The melee hit cap causes all your single weapon auto attacks to always hit and causes all special melee attacks to always hit. This is reached at 8%.
The spell hit cap causes all your spells to always hit. This is reached at 17%.
The dual wield hit cap causes all your dual wield auto attacks to always hit. This is reached at 27%

Hit is almost a pure threat stat, it causes your attacks to hit more, and thus it makes you do more threat. There should be a reasonable amount of hit available on tank gear, but you shouldn’t gem or enchant for it.
The only time you should ever worry about hit caps is if you need to taunt something. If you glyph taunt, and the boss is properly debuffed (Improved Faerie Fire – Spell – World of Warcraft or Misery – Spell – World of Warcraft), you need 6% additional spell hit chance to always hit with yout taunt. This is 158 hit rating.

Note that taunt is based off of spell hit, and that you get more spell hit chance from your rating then that you get melee hit chance.

Expertise governs two things. The chance a mob has to dodge you and the chance a boss has to parry you.
You negate the mobs chance to dodge you when you reach 6.5% dodge and parry reduction at 26 expertise skill.
You negate the mobs chance to parry you when you reach 14% dodge and parry reduction at 56 expertise skill.

A note on hit and expertise.
For both hit and expertise, the general thing to remember is this: “If you do enough threat, you don’t need more of them. It is important, though, to realize that having more of either of them will make your threat less spiky. While this effect is minor, having a string of misses at the beginning of a fight can cause someone to grab aggro.
My advice would be to not worry about getting to either cap, but not completely ignoring the stat either. Gemming or enchanting for hit or expertise shouldn’t be needed