Category: ICC

dps on theΒ up

Just to prove what can happen when I am paying attention and all my cooldowns are used and everything works as intended (ie i dont have to move just after using said cooldowns etc πŸ˜€

I have been checking out my Wordoflogs after most fights, and have noticed that my ingame measure (skada) is fucked up, that or maybe I am using it wrong. According to my ingame thing I am sitting on about 4k or less, yet on WOL I am on about 7/8k…so I have no idea where I am actually sitting, however my dps time is low, I have to really work on moving less, instead of having like 80/90 uptime i am on 50-60 – which is shite.

Really have to be watching the movement this week on runs that I get into, I want to show improvement, this is one trial I don’t want to fuck.

I think I am getting along with people in the guild and I am doing as I am told, I am not standing in the fire etc, so all in all I am doing ok i think. I am hoping to get into the ICC 10 man running this week, as that will give me enough badges to get a tier piece…which I can then upgrade with the marks that I have πŸ˜€

Dirty Dirty Kingslayers

Last night was raid night, second for me and first for hubby.Β  We went into ICC 25 man, did professor putricide on hard mode, and yep, it’s bloody hard, however we got him to approx 43% so it was almost there, we ended up just doing him in normal mode.Β  Hubby was doing some decent DPS for someone with apparently such bad gear, I just sucked – I could not get it happening last night. Was one of those nights that nothing I was doing was working.Β  I was always in the wrong spot and having to move etc, so I was basically sitting on like 5k dps most of the night, I mean it went up – I saw myself hitting 10k at one point, was just deflating.

But hey I am getting higher DPS than I ever did, so it is good.Β  They are an oddball bunch of people to be honest, but so far they have been nice to the newbies, vicious on vents occasionally and a bit of a laugh, all in all what I expected from a guild knocking off progression like this.

Anyway I was pushing through the pain, was not going to let that get me down, and we went and killed Arthas πŸ˜€Β  yup, I saw him die!!Β  I feel dirty however that I wasn’t with my old guild to do it.Β  I wish there was some way I could transplant the kill into their heads for them to understand it isn’t hard once you can see it in action…

So I am now Kingslayer!!

I think ICC is fast becoming one of my favourite instances, I enjoy a fair few of the fights in there and killing Arthas does feel very epic πŸ™‚

That is not what I expected :)

So, to cut a long story short,Β  I got into a raiding guild on Caelestrasz….back to the fail server, but with a guild that has me as nervous as a school girl behind the bleachers….do they even have bleachers anymore?..more to the point do school girls even get nervous anymore ?? Especially since they are out there having babies at 10 and 11, they are barely school girls…

Anyway I digress.Β  So i moved my mage last night and whispered an officer, the last time I even dreamt of whisping anyone in this guild I was probably actually dreaming… Continue reading

The Lich king….again

I have a feeling this is going to be a semi constant post πŸ˜€

We had an interesting night on him tongiht, we have got phase 1 down – and the transition into phase 2 working quite well, we actually even managed phase 2 better than our previous attempts. We were gettingt he first raging spirit down and the second one was just a little slow, however the third one was not dying until after the second Valk almost.

I think people are too far spread out so when defile hits too many are getting caught in it, I also am wondering if the person who gets targetted orginally just keeps running around the other side of the platform from us if that would help them avoid being in it, but i didn’t manage to cop a defile last night at all to test my theory. We were doing rhe valk with 50% success, some we managed to get other we lost, on one Valk there was a defile patch between us and her….

Too many people are getting done by blue balls πŸ™‚ We are losing people over the edge all the time. Also a couple of attempts when the raging spirit I created turned around and one shotted me, that was pleasant. Then there was the other attempt with the raging spirit did his cone of death and killed me and another clothie, apparently standing to the side only works when the mob is still facing the side πŸ™‚ heeh

Was funny as hell though, we lost our tank at one point and we couldnt figure out why he was so hard to keep up…yep, helps if you repair your gear so the durability is above 0%!!!!!! LOL….Someone was a little keen πŸ˜€

All in all, we had a mixed night, we did really wel on some attempts and really badly on others. We are getting the hang of it, but only raiding 2 hours doesn’t really get you the chance to push it…but I think we may have the second phase worked out very soon, just a little more control instead of insanity and we should be good πŸ™‚

On a side note, I know it isn’t the best fight to test it, but I was hitting about 7.5k DPS, which is not huge I admit, but for someone in a mix of 10/25 man gear I reckon it isn’t too shabby πŸ˜€ I am sure if I was in a 25 man raid that would go up with the extra buffs, however I am impressed that i am doing that much DPS πŸ˜€ Considering I have put in some real effort to get my toon improved, I think it is really showing now πŸ™‚

I am very tempted to try fire considering that is apparently giving arcane a run for its money now….and I love fire πŸ˜€ I wanna get my DPS up and will keep reading up and finding out what I can do. I

think having changing my specs slightly for the shielding bonus etc will help, I need to get into the habit of reapplying my shields though as most fights with aoe damage will give me a buff of course I have to balance that out with losing mana due to said shield!

Arthas is a grumpy twat!

So last night was awesome!!

My first night wiping on Lk, I made a fair few mistakes, but I won’t next time because now I get phase1 & 2 a lot more πŸ™‚

We are not handling the transition into phase 3 well, but I think that is because of the raging spirits – yes multiple – at the end of phase 2.

Little more work on that annd it might be ok πŸ™‚

I love the fight so far, although there is almost too much going on for my liking, but then I would love to stare at LK whilst killing him a’la patchwerk!! Could you imagine?!?!?

My first time seeing the fight!!!


Very difficult to handle to be honest πŸ™‚ But I think once you get the phases understood not so hard….

I am excited about this!! Long post incoming, but need to get to the train station :p Will expand later πŸ˜€

Sindragosa killed

I missed the raid last night due to some personal stuff going on, however I note that the guild got her down last night on their second attempt.

Enough people obviously were paying attention and not getting drawn into the pretty lights on their bars to make sure they moved.

They went and played on the LK as well and go him to 68% apparently, so not too shabby for a few attempts on the big baddy.

I am so happy and annoyed at the same time πŸ˜€ I am happy for us that we are not 11/12 in ICC and sooooo pissed I missed it….ARGGGH!!! Typical farking guild, they always kill bosses when I am not in the raid….it’s like they do it to spite me I swear!!! eheheheh

There will always be next week πŸ™‚ maybe…..

Grats!! Pretty exciting to be almost at the end – then perhaps we can do some heroic modes etc…but have to kill sindy and the LK a couple more times I reckon πŸ˜€

I think I have it figured out, you can’t actually kill Sindy can you? It’s all a big joke, she is immortal or indestructible or something?

There are no guilds that have actually killed her, it is all a big play by Blizzard to make people think she HAS been killed!! All the blogs I have been reading are like Blizz employees bullshitting!!

Yeah well I am allowed to dream right πŸ˜€ eheheh

We spent all night wiping on her again, we were getting her to below 10% for I would say half the shots we had, but we just kept losing it in phase 3. People just seem unable to realise they are going to be tombed and then bam 5 people cop it…There must be a better way. We keep having the shitty luck of 2 healers getting done in quick succession, so one is just coming out whilst another is getting tombed.

Anyway we just could not get it happening. The last attempt we had we did much better in controlling the fight ie debuff resetting and people running out when being tombed etc, but we were just ran out of time to try again.

Perhaps Monday will be the night we get it happening….perhaps Monday….

So close on Sindragosa…

You know when you have one of those dreams and you feel like you are stuck in jelly or underwater where you are moving slowly and something big horrible and ugly is chasing you….that was tonight for me….

We got Sindy to 8% on one attempt and quite a few below 15%, but it was like we could see the problem as it was happening, but there was nothing you could do about it.

Just little things like people not realising they were the tomb in the third phase, or we just didn’t move quick enough etc.

It was a bloody good night of work on her though considering how low we got her, it was well worth the effort, as we had never really seen phase 3 for more than the second tomb.

Tomorrow I think we may have her number…my fingers are crossed, so are my toes and I may even plait my hair just to make sure πŸ˜€ heeheh

Works hard for the money

Was a fucking tough night tonight, no matter what we did we just couldn’t get it happening we spent 1.5 hours wiping on professor, wiping wiping wiping….just things going wrong all the time…it was tough, tough tough….. we did get dreamwalker done as well, however that was a 2 shot as well….just not happening tonight, I think too many people were tired to start with and that just means not enough focus….it happens, we all have those nights.

not much else to say really, but it makes you appreciate the nights when things DO go right…

I lie, there is plenty more to say, but spankypants already copped an earful from me tonight and it would be unfair to dredge up something when he was doing a stellar job trying to smooth it over πŸ™‚