I think I have it figured out, you can’t actually kill Sindy can you? It’s all a big joke, she is immortal or indestructible or something?

There are no guilds that have actually killed her, it is all a big play by Blizzard to make people think she HAS been killed!! All the blogs I have been reading are like Blizz employees bullshitting!!

Yeah well I am allowed to dream right 😀 eheheh

We spent all night wiping on her again, we were getting her to below 10% for I would say half the shots we had, but we just kept losing it in phase 3. People just seem unable to realise they are going to be tombed and then bam 5 people cop it…There must be a better way. We keep having the shitty luck of 2 healers getting done in quick succession, so one is just coming out whilst another is getting tombed.

Anyway we just could not get it happening. The last attempt we had we did much better in controlling the fight ie debuff resetting and people running out when being tombed etc, but we were just ran out of time to try again.

Perhaps Monday will be the night we get it happening….perhaps Monday….