Tag Archive: drama

Tonight was a great run.

We went into ICC and cleared 9 bosses in one night…all one shot – except for princes, we are not sure what happened, but the hunter tank dropped before you could blink, we think it may have been a flaming ball of death!

It was a very good run, most of the gear was taken as offset for people which is a great sign we may finally be hitting the upper ends of gear in 10 man ICC.  That, and the same pieces are always dropping and therefore not actually being taken.

I equipped my wand from Blood Queen (last week, I forgot to put it on) and I also got my exalted ring, which I need to whack a gem into…might go haste I think!

We are going back in to do the Queen again and then get Sindragosa down, yes she will go down this week – if not tomorrow.

Tonight, however a serious of events set me off mentally, that by the end of the raid, I was fucking angry, so much so, I barely spoke on vents and as soon as the raid was called I jumped off vents and offline with not a word.  Had I not done this I am pretty sure when I had opened my mouth to say goodbye I would have said something very regrettable.

As it is I am likely to want to make snarky comments to the guild about a few things for the next couple of weeks and am just going to have to curb that want.

To be honest I am not entirely sure why I got so annoyed, but I think it has something to do with people not wanting to try anything out of the realms of normality.  If it hasn’t been done before, we can pretty much rest assured that like fuck anyone in my guild will want to try it.  God forbid we do something DIFFERENT – never mind that I have attempted this exact thing previously and it served its purpose nicely, in the end we never needed to actually implement it officially, due to changes in roster.

I think after re-reading that paragraph, what annoys me is that it shifts from what the guild needs or things that may make the guild improve, to what is not beneficial for the individual. 

I want nothing more than to run as frost,  but from a DPS perspective, they are pretty bad in a raiding environment,  so I stick to arcane and may even try fire as my hit is so over the top now as to pull it off.   That’s beside the point,  what I think about is the guild, and if the idea will help the guild surely some support from someone to even attempt it would be better than flat out refusal and mockery?  I am sure (let’s try and think positive hey) that my guildies were not deliberating trying to make me feel awful and like a fucking idiot for suggesting we TRY something 🙂  I am sure.

Anyway it doesn’t matter,  I told all the people having a go to just forget about it, we would just do whatever was easiest for people to deal with.  Some times you just have to shut up, smile and nod your head. 

The other things that got on my goat will have to be addressed in some form in the next couple of weeks, but for the minute I can’t be bothered even thinking about it, just gets me worked up again and I would rather not if I am going to raid tonight.

Enough of that, I am over it now….nice to vent sometimes – just get things off my chest and hence why I blog really 🙂

Well at atleast for us she is,we have no spent 2 weeks screwing up on the third phase.

By that I mean, some people are finding the concept hard to stand in a group until the ice tomb hits.

We were starting to see it come together last night, but still far too many people were running around like headless chooks.  i think it may be time for me to crack out the highlighters and set them all straight on how to do it……LOL I may have to use pc paint though as I have not unpacked everything as yet.

Having major issues with our healing department at the moment, and to be honest I am at the end of my tether – friendships aside I am sick of the complaints about a specific person and so it may just be time to tell her how it is again.  I am however in the middle of trying to sort out our house settlement – three weeks late mind you and we are MAYBE going to have it all sorted on Thursday – so at the moment, I am not in any frame of mind to tell people they are not able to raid with us anymore…I am liable to just be nasty if questioned and I don’t think that is a  good place for any Guild leader to be in….I wonder why I have other guild leaders at all sometimes, but again I am just being nasty, so….grrrrrrrr!!!!

Maybe next week will be our lucky break – and then we can start working on the Blood Queen and Lich King…so damn close if we get Sind down 🙂  and we were getting her to like 20%…..so not far off to be honest.

Another day another headache

So we have lost one guild member to the recent raid time issues, he has been with us since the days of Kara, and will be keeping a toon with us for chatting etc 🙂

He basically apologised for being selfish…and was very amicable about it, however I am unsure why it has even come to this as we are keepingthe raid times in a suitable window…

Anyway we may yet lose another person to the same thing, 2 DPS in one night – I feel like Matticus at the moment 🙂 heeheh

Onward and upward as I always say – let’s see how this pans out and what becomes of the broken hearted.

I don’t really know why I put a smiley face on the title, maybe I am trying to find the funny side of it….

Here’s the background, I was basically away from the game for about 2 months (slightly less) I have 3 GM’s who are actually the GM’s and can do whatever they feel is appropriate and talk amongst themselves and sort out problems.

I got back this week, to a GM asking immediately to be demoted from the ranks – I had not been in game for more than about 15 minutes I would say.  When asked why, we didn’t really give me an answer just re-requested it.  So I demoted him.

2 days later that same GM asks me what is going on and if I am back or am I doing anything about one of the other GM’s taking over. When probed about it there was an issue about raid start/finish times.

When we regrouped from the guild from hell, we never really organised the raid times, we kind of just wanted to get back into raiding as soon as possible, this has now caused an issue.  Once I had assumed my fucking guild leaders could organise and discuss whilst I was away for 2 months, why do they have to wait for me to get back to even discuss it???

There is now a huge drama thread on our guild forums about it and no one is happy about any options people are offering.

I am annoyed that I am not even back a week and I get dumped with issues….yes they were killing bosses and doing really well, but now I find out about all the crap that has happened to get them there and it falls to me to try and explain to everyone or fix the problems….I sometimes wonder why I bother…I really love being a GM, I love being part of the running of the guild I love having control, but when I essentially have no control because I come back to a missmosh of crap…..I just feel al little listless and wanting to do the lovely /gdisband thing and telling them all the fuck off and running away!!  I know I won’t though, I have put too much into this guild to not make it work…..


I am sure my last few posts have added fuel to an already massive =bonfire…will go and check it out…..and then I may decide to NOT read forums ever again 🙂 ehhehe

Are you a selfish guildie?

A few of my guildies and I have been discussing lately the selfishness that appears to be virulent our guild at the moment.

I have always tried to put the guild before my own wants in the game, I expect any guild leaders would do the same. I think about what will make the guild better overall and not about what loot I can get from what place. Yes I know I have BiS gear – but I don’t care if I get it or not first or before everyone else. I don’t care about my GS – it doesn’t say whether I can play or whether I can stand out of the fire, I don’t care about the couple of pixels that boost my spell power by 12 for a few weeks…..none of that will make a difference if we are unable to recruit people to the guild who can play.

Recently it was advised to me, that no one wants to do anything else but ICC, they don’t want to finish Uld (we got to Yogg just as ICC came out), no one wants to finish TOGC (We have Anub left with 43 wipes available), everyone wants to focus on ICC and spend all their time in there and do nothing but it.

Now, I am all for that if you are in a guild that is more progressed than us and has a stellar group of people to work with , they were probably clearing all the content within 2 weeks and so have been farming it ever since and doing hardmodes etc, but we are not that kind of guild. We still have gear upgrades and skills which could be learnt in those older encounters – but apparently not according to a couple of people – who, for your reference, spend all their time in game and so can pug 25 mans whenever they feel like it – therefore no they probably don’t need upgrades.

The rest of us plebs who don’t have as much game time DO need upgrades from TOGC and heroic modes etc, but our needs are invalid.

So I went to my Shadow council and ask their opinion and was told I was in fact being misinformed, that many people do need upgrades from other places.

I should point out that my mates are the type who have changed toons for the guild, have changed specs, for the guild, have picked up two sets of gear to be raid ready and are always offering to be whatever the guild needs – they don’t take gear unless shoved down their throats, they don’t whinge about gear, the don’t whinge about progression (ie which place we go), they are the type of guildies that make it a worthwhile guild.

But why is it all about the gear – killing the next boss in ICC is so much harder if all the people in the guild don’t have the gear from the previous level. All i want is for people to play well and then think of the guild getting upgrades and not themselves.

Cataclysm will either make or break that mentality with the whole guild achievements 🙂 I can’t wait for that – I may actually be able to be part of a guild that is like the majority of us. Good players, who put guild first and have fun with each other.


I was needed to raid again tonight, so i jumped online to help the guys out.

I was notified of a little event that happened the night before about tempers flaring, and was rather surprised to find that some people are getting more and more annoyed with running with the less aware people. I knew it would eventually come to a head, but I was perhaps not expecting the person it came from. Anyway, I decided, wrongly I think, to bring this up with the other GL’s, that perhaps we needed to calm the populace and try and come up with a healthy resolution to the issues.

The response I got was appalling, in my humble opinion. I was told to ignore complaints or information as it was people whinging and exaggerating!! This was of course AFTER the other officers said they had not seen any issues or heard of anything going wrong…because most people like causing public drama apparently….I know when I crack the shits I want the entirety of Azeroth to know about it…I mean seriously!!! Just because it was handled PRIVATELY!!!!! does not mean there are no problems!!

I know this probably doesn’t seem like anything major, but I just couldn’t fathom the conversation, I was speechless for about 25 minutes whilst they all discussed why they had not been told or approached and why they were not involved and me me me me….I was asking for some ways to bmp up the guild morale not be told I was basically lying.

Oh well, such is the way, I know being a GL is worth the effort when I have 50% of my guild being what you want in guildies. They support, they question, they ask, they help, they challenge, but they do it with respect and a little interest in the actual progress of the guild. I think I have learnt a valuable lesson this week.

Lesson: – Just STFU and don’t mention things to the others who are supposed to be helping you.

Bam, right in the kisser

I was given news today that our ex guild, whom we had issues with and left abruptly has just imploded.

This news has given me mixed emotions.

I have no tbeen playing much as hubby and I have sold our house and will be moving in about 5 weeks, so we are spending every moment, not at work, packing and cleaning the house.

I have not even logged into the game for a while, maybe a week and I am suffering withdrawl and jealousy that the guys are raiding and I am stuck getting covered in DUST!! ARGH!!

Anyway this ex guild was made up of a great bunch of people, with perhaps a little too much attitude from the actual leaders of the guild, but overall they were nice. I think they wanted to see content and not be held back, anyway, they went off the deep end, booting everyone out of the guild, transgerring off servers and stealing guild banks etc.

I understand the pressure of running a 25 man guild, but I am not sure they understood that insulting people and calling them names and bad players etc is not necessarily the way to win supporters…

I am glad others in the guild can now see why we left and what made us decide to leave, however us leaving was probably the precurser to a lot of this….they went from having a 25 man raiding team and almost a 10 man team, to barely making raids run at all….and then from the rumours it just went downhill.

I feel bad that we have in some part killed another guild, but am happy that others can see why we didn’t want to put up with it…

I am in cross minds and I may jump online tonight to have  chat with the bois and find out any other gossip i can and perhaps chat to some of the people in the ex guild and rebuild friendships that I have a feeling may be able to be rebuilt now that everyone can see them for what they were….funny funny arsehats 🙂

Next boss down!

Next boss down in ICC!!  Festergut i think it was.  From the sounds of it they spent all night attempting it and kept getting him to under 30%.  So am really impressed they managed to do it!  They were all wondering if they could and I told them all to at least try!

I am very happy they got the boss down, it means that if we have the better DPS in there we will be walking through that fight easily, that would have been another morale booster for people. That is just wonderful!

I didn’t get in to the raid last night as mentioned in the previous post I had to sit out to let this other person in.  I have never seen this wing of ICC and I was really excited to be up to it and I HAD TO FUCKING SIT OUT!!!!!!  I am so angry about it and I am annoyed that I couldn’t sit someone else out, but because of the DPS needed for the fight everyone that was in there had to be in there, and also to be fair to the people that had missed out the night before.  

I am just being petty that my raid spot has been compromised again because of someone who, by all rights, shouldn’t even be in the guild as a raiding member and now I have to come up with a solution to this problem because everyone expects me to.

I was bombarded last night with questions about something in the guild, which I have to say I am quite annoyed about.

People missing out on raids and having to sit out and be rotated.  Specifically one person, which has really gotten on my nerves.    This exact situation is what occurs when people invite whoever the fuck they feel like it and do not consider the ramifications of what they do.

We didn’t need this extra person in the guild and it has now caused a major issue for the people involved and is causing me to have to make up some bullshit PR spiel to make everyone happy when I haven’t even thought about how the fuck we fit them into the raiding roster. 

So what he used to be with us, he left when we moved and should not have just been handed a raiding spot on a silver platter considering we had more than enough people aitting out on raid nights as it is.  I now have to rotate 2 of my best players for someone who is not as good becuase he was offered to raid with us.

Not impressed and not sure I am able to handle people invite others without any thought for what that means as a group and how that affects others having to sit out.

Didn’t see that coming..

So talk about guild drama….wow did it get nasty in one day…..

As far as I knew everything was travelling along all fine and then a post was made on the forums by a guildie asking for raids to be organised a little better, so a few posts were made by the GM and others then I made a post about having a raid bitch to organsie raids 2 days in advance and that perhaps we coudl run things without the GM being online…somehow, I am still nto sure how, that caused a major blow up to the point where the GM responded saying my post made him want to quit WoW and that I had not listened to anything previsouly posted and that all our effort was wasted etc…anyway he was pretty nasty….so then a couple of people arced up to defend me – I might add i didn’t post again after my first post….and from there the topic just got worse and worse. 

The whole idea was that we were requesting to have some raid organisation before raid night, but the officers and GM’s kept yelling and screaming about people missing out on raids should stop being such babies?  I am not sure how they got to the conclusion any of us were complaining.

Anyway in the end one of the GM’s called my friend an “illiterate fuck”, that was as far as I was going tro take it so I gquit.  I was not prepared for all my old guildies to quit with me, so we trundled back to MA last night. Upset, tired and a little shocked was I…..

I then got an email last night advising me of a comment posted on my blog, pleas refer to the previous post for that little gem.  I am not entirely sure what this person means as I used to chat to  3 people, and only one had an accent that I used to comment about, but I didn’t realise that talking to people = flirting…I shall have to remember that with my current guild mates as I would not want them to think I was trying to get them all in the sack for one giant gangbang!

Anyway if nothing else I have learnt that no matter what you may think or how well you are playing with others,  some people are cunts and will be that way forever.

Please find below the post I made which if you refer to the comment posted on the previous blog, was be posting shit all over their forums?

No offence meant here, if you want people to take initiative we need to know it is ok to do so?

The other night we we were told a run wouldn’t be going because you and Sere were not online, now I am no expert but we had 2 tanks online with a third who could have tanked the trash/OT in ICC easily enough. IN the end you both came online so all was well, but by then the raid was not started until almost 9pm server time. Granted I am referring to a 25 man here, and not 10 mans.

However the 10 man runs can be sorted the night before, you guys are very particular about people signing up on the forums so use that sign up, or the addon Koli linked. If people are not signed up don’t base the groups on them, end of story. We have more than enough people in the guild with alts all over the shop who can handle almost every situation possible.

I used to be in a guild, a very long time ago, that had one officer dedicated to raid organisation. We had to sign up at least 2 days before said raid and that officer kept track of everything – who was in, out, guaranteed next spot etc.

We had 2 sign ups each night for the 2 different teams and if you signed up for Team Mouse on day one, you signed up for the same team on day 2, day 3, day 4, so you had to ensure you were available for all relevant days (or at least note fi you couldnt make which day).

That officer was then able to approve and queue up people for raids 2 days in advance which meant the raid could get organised within 3 minutes and there was no stuffing about and people were sat out if they were not online.

The issue Muffy is you are being RL/GM/Spec person etc etc etc, you need to delegate and tell people to shove it if they are not happy with that. And use mods and people to help achieve those goals of running more smoothly. Says me who didnt delegate anything :p

This is more diffcult with the influx of people have had due to us joining, we added a 10 man group to the guild, which has caused more headached for the organising of raids, however I am more than happy to be the raid bitch if you need one and set up the calenders etc and approve groups etc so that when you log into game you are ready to go and all the raid leaders can just invite everyone who is approved etc.

I guess what I am trying to say is, you want us to take initiative, but on many occassions things do not go ahead without you and Sere online and that has been noted as the reason, so can there be some discussion about what we expect from the people who are able to fill vital roles, because as I understand it, if you were to take a holiday, we would not be raiding?