Tag Archive: Mage

dps on the up

Just to prove what can happen when I am paying attention and all my cooldowns are used and everything works as intended (ie i dont have to move just after using said cooldowns etc 😀

I have been checking out my Wordoflogs after most fights, and have noticed that my ingame measure (skada) is fucked up, that or maybe I am using it wrong. According to my ingame thing I am sitting on about 4k or less, yet on WOL I am on about 7/8k…so I have no idea where I am actually sitting, however my dps time is low, I have to really work on moving less, instead of having like 80/90 uptime i am on 50-60 – which is shite.

Really have to be watching the movement this week on runs that I get into, I want to show improvement, this is one trial I don’t want to fuck.

I think I am getting along with people in the guild and I am doing as I am told, I am not standing in the fire etc, so all in all I am doing ok i think. I am hoping to get into the ICC 10 man running this week, as that will give me enough badges to get a tier piece…which I can then upgrade with the marks that I have 😀

Long time coming!

I have been working towards this for a long time, inconsistently, on some reps, but finally!!

I have 35 reputations at exalted! The one that tipped me over was Netherwing, which I was working towards for my drakes to get my 100 mount achievement, it will put me slightly closer to that, but still miles away 😀

Awesome!! awesome Awsome!!

Am so darn excited!!!

Then the best ride home to Shatt on the most beautiful dragon around 🙂

Tonight was a great run.

We went into ICC and cleared 9 bosses in one night…all one shot – except for princes, we are not sure what happened, but the hunter tank dropped before you could blink, we think it may have been a flaming ball of death!

It was a very good run, most of the gear was taken as offset for people which is a great sign we may finally be hitting the upper ends of gear in 10 man ICC.  That, and the same pieces are always dropping and therefore not actually being taken.

I equipped my wand from Blood Queen (last week, I forgot to put it on) and I also got my exalted ring, which I need to whack a gem into…might go haste I think!

We are going back in to do the Queen again and then get Sindragosa down, yes she will go down this week – if not tomorrow.

Tonight, however a serious of events set me off mentally, that by the end of the raid, I was fucking angry, so much so, I barely spoke on vents and as soon as the raid was called I jumped off vents and offline with not a word.  Had I not done this I am pretty sure when I had opened my mouth to say goodbye I would have said something very regrettable.

As it is I am likely to want to make snarky comments to the guild about a few things for the next couple of weeks and am just going to have to curb that want.

To be honest I am not entirely sure why I got so annoyed, but I think it has something to do with people not wanting to try anything out of the realms of normality.  If it hasn’t been done before, we can pretty much rest assured that like fuck anyone in my guild will want to try it.  God forbid we do something DIFFERENT – never mind that I have attempted this exact thing previously and it served its purpose nicely, in the end we never needed to actually implement it officially, due to changes in roster.

I think after re-reading that paragraph, what annoys me is that it shifts from what the guild needs or things that may make the guild improve, to what is not beneficial for the individual. 

I want nothing more than to run as frost,  but from a DPS perspective, they are pretty bad in a raiding environment,  so I stick to arcane and may even try fire as my hit is so over the top now as to pull it off.   That’s beside the point,  what I think about is the guild, and if the idea will help the guild surely some support from someone to even attempt it would be better than flat out refusal and mockery?  I am sure (let’s try and think positive hey) that my guildies were not deliberating trying to make me feel awful and like a fucking idiot for suggesting we TRY something 🙂  I am sure.

Anyway it doesn’t matter,  I told all the people having a go to just forget about it, we would just do whatever was easiest for people to deal with.  Some times you just have to shut up, smile and nod your head. 

The other things that got on my goat will have to be addressed in some form in the next couple of weeks, but for the minute I can’t be bothered even thinking about it, just gets me worked up again and I would rather not if I am going to raid tonight.

Enough of that, I am over it now….nice to vent sometimes – just get things off my chest and hence why I blog really 🙂


About bloody time if you ask me 😀

To give you an idea, I did all the bosses bar Thrall on 18/04/09 and I have finally done Thrall today!!

Over a year to complete the damn thing….that really can’t be right….LOL but I am guessing the achievements don’t fib.

I really wanted to get it done before Cata came out and Thrall disappeared to some unknown storyline 😀

Grats to me on getting my warbear!!


After spending a few hundred dollars and regemming some of my gear – I am now sitting pretty on 3008 Spell damage!!!  When i self buff with Arc Int it goes up to 3018 😀  That does not include potions/food, raid buffs!!!

AM SOOOO EXCITED!!?!?!?!!?!?

Will be cool to see if it makes any difference to my raiding.  I also ditched thwe Maghari’s Staff for the Frost needle with Scourgelord’s Baton, so that bumped up my stats huge amounts.  The only problem is I am now sitting on 462 hit rating!!  So I am going to make very sure the next piece of gear I take does not have hit on it…I may just scream to be honest!!

Moar EPIX!!

Went into ICC 10 for the first time in a very long time and it was caster drop night 🙂

I scored four pieces, three actual gear pieces – which are upgrades on my ilvl 232 gear and then 2 weapons…one was as word – can’t remember the name of and the other was the Staff that does the Cadavaer 🙂 I wanted it just for coolnees purposes – it is comparable to what I am currently using nut so much more awesome 😀  One piece was a frosty chest piece to replace my Merlin’s robes, so although they are nice robes – I want better 🙂  So all and all an awesome night for my gear score, but a terrible night for my coin purse!

We did first 4 then fester and Rot – did the raid weekly and then went and attempted Professor – spent the night wiping, our healing wasn’t up to it.  Sadly one healer can’t do that fight – although they gave it a fucking awesome attempt.  Yes we actually had two healers but the second healer is not really up to the challenge of hard fights…..but having said that neither of them had healed that figth before from what I am told 🙂  They generally DPSed it, so perhaps that was a factor.

I now have to gem and enchant – 3 pieces of gear – need to convert my badges to heroic and buy some today and figure out what gems I am going to use 😀

The guild drama seems to be forgotten about now, and I am trying to field questions about where I want the guild to go come Cataclysm, I was planning on going for 25mans’ but with the changes I don’t really see the point now, and we do have a very very good core of people to choose from now, barring 2 people, so currently I am in a state of confusion and need to sit down and read as much as I can about Cataclysm before I make a decision……

Mage class preview changes

So I waited patiently, reading all the other class changes, excited and in awe that we we re getting provided with any information prior to release 😀

Anyway, it was almost the 11th April here when they finally went up, so don’t tell me i wasn’t patient 😀

Mage changes are pretty nice, i don’t want to play arcane – will defintely be looking into fire or frost..probably frost as that has been the spec I have wanted to play for a while.

I am not going to go through all the changes as any bloggers that read this will already know what they are. But I am excited to be able to see what kind of things they are thinking.

I am amazed though that so many people are angry at the changes, I men they haven’t even released the game, you haven’t even played it yet and you want to bitch, well to be honest, I have not disliked much that blizz have done, I enjoy the game an I think ultimately if Blizz breaks something they do fix it – eventually 🙂

I am excited!!!

I have been, for the last few weeks/months not been ingame and raiding, therefore my stash of frostie badges has not grown fast nor have I had the chance to upgarde via drops all that much.

So I was in previously mentioned ICC 25 man and I got 2 things out of that run. Enough badges to be at 120 frosties AND a shoulder upgrade from 25 man content.

So this has placed me in a bad position, which I think I may have screwed even further last night.

I was going to buy my two tier peices with my badges – nice 60 badges each done, however, my gloves are actually comparable to the tier peices and my shoulders are now better than the tier piece. So the tier pieces would be a backward step in gear score….is the set bonus worth it.

After deciding no…(LOL) I then spent frosties on buying the patterns for the boots and leggings….I am now down to 75 frosties,….so not enough to buy any head or robes. However it isn’t enough to buy any saronites either….well I can buy two, but I now need like 13…AHAHAH I may have just been better getting the tier pieces!!! HAAHAHH

Anyway, I found it an interesting exercise in how to screw your gear choices royally.

That’s right, my belt is also comparable to the belts I can buy with the 60 frosties. i suppose I could buy the caster trinket, but I relaly don’t want to waste badges on a hit trinket when I already have too much hit…and what a waste of badges anyway…having to gear for hit nowadays….

So pitfall of raiding 10 man and pugging 25 mans and NOT winning tier pieces 😀 eheheh

ICC 25 Pug, tier 10 and random

I sneaked online last night to play whilst the hubby was out having drinks with work mates, and I found I only needed like 8 badges to get my Tier 10 pieces. Well I mean 2 of them.

So after some discussion I did the Weekly raid and spent almost 40 minutes doing Flame Leviathan, the Pug group was so epicly fail I am surprised we even managed to get it done. Someone started it in hardmode for a start, but then we spent 10 minutes telling people they had to kill the towers and instead of doing that they just waited near FL, needless to say we went with one tower still up and I scored an orbital achievement 🙂 So wooppee!

I then tossed up between a heroic daily and an ICC run, decided on the latter and ended up in a 25 man. Was a fairly good run for a PUG 25….I don’t normally PUG stuff – I just don’t have the time normally, but we wiped a little on trash because unfortunately some people can’t understand the concept of watching their surroundings.

I had to drop after Deathwhisper was killed as I had t pick up hubby from the city, but I scored myself enough badges for my tier pieces – until I managed to score the Shoulders that she dropped, so now I have to reevaluate what gear I should get as I am not likely to buy the shoulder tier now 😀 But I will go back in on the weekend some time and weigh up my options.

So woot to me!! With all the gear upgrades lately I am still keeping inline with everyone else sort of…
It was a very enjoyable run to, very calm and laid back, no yelling – although there were a little frustrations coming out after we wiped on LDW the first time, but I think that comes with any PUG made up of quarter guilds…I had like 5 of my guildies, anther guild had 8 or so and some other guild had a fair few as well…

I am sure my bear will be able to tell me what they finished up on last night?

ok so maybe not?

I raidied last night, WOOT! I got into the first night of ICC raiding which means I coudl pick up some badges 🙂 I also logged into the guys just doing the raid weekly, so scored myself extra frosties as well 🙂

I am sitting at about 102 or something? maybe 112…can’t quite remember, but means in a few weeks I may be able to get some tier pieces 😀

I scored an upgrade from Marrowgar, just need to gem/chant as usual 😀 I still have to do that to the other piece I picked up lat time…boots or something…can’t quite remember, but they need to be gemmed/chanted as well.

We one shot everything up to Festergut, marrow was our only wipe as we had a false start due to some lag, it was a little messy 🙂

Was a brilliant run until people started wanting to whore up the place, I am the type of person who gets an upgrade and then leaves it – as long as my gear is of the same ilevel as the content, I won’t roll on anything again until it is about to get sharded and i know it is BiS. But some people just want evey piece of gear even though they have 3 or even more pieces of equivalents from the same instance/ilevel.

Anyway it was a fabulous run, where I realised that frost is not the spec for me until I have a new pc. I was frost from the start and could not get above 3.5k dps. I couldn’t see my buffs properly due to the computer, and I was unable to have the sound on becuase of vents (and macs can’t seperate the sounds – well i havent figured it out if they can). I kept hitting caps locl instead of movement and generally wasting much dps time.

I switched to Arcane for festergut and managed a pathetic DPS of 5.8k, I was on top of damage as out resident hunter had sat out. So it looks like I will be arcane until at least the next month is over.

I can’t wait until April 22nd when we move and can afford to buy new pc’s for all my gaming excitment. Note to self – never ever buy and sell houses again – the stress is just not worth it!!

Hubby and I will be trialling both LOTRO and Star trek MMO to see if either are any good, I played LOTRO briefly when it was in beta, and thought it had a good feel to it, but that was, hrmm, 2 years ago? so I am hoping it will have improved. Star Trek is the MMO that hubby is in love with, so I will support him with that and try it out with him. I am not into space ships etc all that much – or playing in them more to the point, so I don’t think it will hold me interested like WoW has….

But then I am so in love with WoW I don’t see all the bad things that people complain about 😀 Love is blind !! 😀