Just to prove what can happen when I am paying attention and all my cooldowns are used and everything works as intended (ie i dont have to move just after using said cooldowns etc 😀

I have been checking out my Wordoflogs after most fights, and have noticed that my ingame measure (skada) is fucked up, that or maybe I am using it wrong. According to my ingame thing I am sitting on about 4k or less, yet on WOL I am on about 7/8k…so I have no idea where I am actually sitting, however my dps time is low, I have to really work on moving less, instead of having like 80/90 uptime i am on 50-60 – which is shite.

Really have to be watching the movement this week on runs that I get into, I want to show improvement, this is one trial I don’t want to fuck.

I think I am getting along with people in the guild and I am doing as I am told, I am not standing in the fire etc, so all in all I am doing ok i think. I am hoping to get into the ICC 10 man running this week, as that will give me enough badges to get a tier piece…which I can then upgrade with the marks that I have 😀