Last night was raid night, second for me and first for hubby.  We went into ICC 25 man, did professor putricide on hard mode, and yep, it’s bloody hard, however we got him to approx 43% so it was almost there, we ended up just doing him in normal mode.  Hubby was doing some decent DPS for someone with apparently such bad gear, I just sucked – I could not get it happening last night. Was one of those nights that nothing I was doing was working.  I was always in the wrong spot and having to move etc, so I was basically sitting on like 5k dps most of the night, I mean it went up – I saw myself hitting 10k at one point, was just deflating.

But hey I am getting higher DPS than I ever did, so it is good.  They are an oddball bunch of people to be honest, but so far they have been nice to the newbies, vicious on vents occasionally and a bit of a laugh, all in all what I expected from a guild knocking off progression like this.

Anyway I was pushing through the pain, was not going to let that get me down, and we went and killed Arthas 😀  yup, I saw him die!!  I feel dirty however that I wasn’t with my old guild to do it.  I wish there was some way I could transplant the kill into their heads for them to understand it isn’t hard once you can see it in action…

So I am now Kingslayer!!

I think ICC is fast becoming one of my favourite instances, I enjoy a fair few of the fights in there and killing Arthas does feel very epic 🙂