Tag Archive: Onyxia

First night back :D

I raided last night, nothing major mind you, just some instances to get me into them with the new pc 🙂

TOC, then Ony then TOGC (which we stopped after Jaraxxus)

We tried the Ony achievement with the whelps – ie having to get 50 to spawn, and everyone was Dcing left right and centre, however me and hubby had no issues, was like nothing all that intense was happening, we both joked and laughed about it – was super!!

We had a few wipes on Jar in heroic due to the portal spawns not going down fast enough, but we got through it in the end, and whilst some of us have a public holiday today, others didn’t so we called it after one attempt on the faction champs with which we had our arses handed to us 😀

Was so wonderful, I could actually watch the fights and see what was going on and it was sooo exciting!!

I have downloaded FRAPS as well to start videoing our boss kills, I will test that out over a few weeks to see what settings are the best 😀 I want to do the highest – but i don’t want to ruin my game play for it 😀 hehehe  I might try and find a better video option as I noticed that even on the highest settings last night the video was too fuzzy…I want crystal clear video…LOL may not be able to happen though 🙂 Well not without the files being 60Gb maybe! LOL

Am going to log on tonight and see if I am needed for the raid, they are heading to Singragosa I believe, so I will need to read up about her 😀

Finally pulled their fingers out

So after treating them like a pack of 2 year olds and telling them exactly what they needed to do and when, we finally got Ony down!!

YAY for us!  Took 3 attempts I think..maybe 2 – can’t quite remember, either way we finally got her down, hopefully we can repeat ther performance again and get her every week now 😀

We also webnt into TOC and one shot NRB and would have one shot Jaxx had someone not pulled aggro too early.

Was a little annoyed that even as I was explainign things, people were not listening again or using their common sense…but I am thinking I am getting used to that.

Anway Grats to us, only taken us far too long to get it done.



What a farce is all I can say.

So Ony is exactly the same with one tiny exception, she spawns adds during phase 2 now. ie big fat scaly dragons who do an AOE blastwave thing which hurts. Ony can no longer be targeted by melee when she is in the air and hence the melee need to get onto the adds while the ranged attack her.

The hardest thing has been getting people to watch where she is going to deep breath and then run out of the way. Sadly I don’t think being able to look up at a massive dragon flying in the centre of your screen should be a problem, but apparently it is. I shall have to work out a way of explaining it so people understand what is going on. We get a fairly big warning when it happens so I hardly think spending .3 of a second to investigate which way she is looking will kill everyone in the raid..whereas being stuck in the deep breath will kill everyone.

Basically we were getting her to 42% every time – she lands again at 40%. But the second lot of whelps and the adds and the deep breathing was just all too much, and in all honesty it isn’t a hard fight. But people can’t move…why oh why can’t they move?

We shall go back in later and see how it goes another time, but essentially spending a week on her was just horrific. People were going in an pugging her the day she came out and then linking all the loot, so obviously she is able to be killed by a group of PUGS!!!

There just aren’t enough cuss words some times.